Thalon knew her moves and knew them well. He successfully blocked every damning blow. But Jade knew his, too.
When Thalon would portal, she perfectly predicted where he would appear. If her back was turned, he’d portal directly behind her, giving her time to swing around and meet his blade before it hovered at the back of her neck. Even as he portaled above her, she miraculously rolled out from under him.
With one last incredible maneuver, Thalon opened a portal. Much to his surprise, Jade jumped through it before he leapt in.
Alora gasped, tracking the air for the crackle of an opening.
The two spiraled out, landing outside of the arena in a tumble of limbs, spinning into the lake until Jade landed on top, dagger drawn to his neck.
Everyone echoed their cheers as the competition had come to its conclusion and their victor stood tall. Jade’s sweat-ridden face was taut in victory. The fiery adrenaline in her bones hadn’t settled as she sheathed her sword, ignoring the crowd behind them.
Laughing in amusement, Thalon roared from his back as Jade offered her hand. His smile burst off his face as they locked arms, and he jumped to his feet, splashing the water around them.
With one quick slice, Thalon removed a braid from his hair, slipped off a golden bead, and paced it into Jade’s awaiting hand.
Jade snapped her head to the platform, glaring where Garrik was standing cross-armed, surrounded by cheering Dragons.
The High Prince lifted his hand.
The crowd’s cheers died.
Eyes gleaming, Garrik stared down at Jade. “You have made me proud.” He paced the platform before silver scanned the crowd. “Dragons …your victor.”
With a nod of his head, the roaring of the crowd lit up the valley once again.
The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, celebration, and drinking—lotsof drinking. Alora hadn’t yet felt excitement such as that since she was forced into camp. The air sparked with energy. Fighters who had faced each other in the arena—bloodied, bruised, and bandaged—served one another tankards, shook cut hands, patted shoulders, even hugged with laughter.
Alora buzzed around, interacting with faeries she hadn’t met. Shaking hands as they congratulated her on her courage to join the competition, even though she’d lost.
She thoroughly enjoyed herself in those moments.
Until …
Until her eyes met the High Prince’s unamused gaze.
“Well… aren’t you going to yell at me or something? Or are you just going to smolder until you explode?” Alora’s feet wobbled. The ground beneath her seemed to shift with each step back to their firesite.
His lips created a thin line and brows angled. “Do not do that again.” Frustrated, he kept his eyes forward on the path.
“Do what? Enjoy myself? Am I not one of your soldiers? Do I not get the same privileges as everyone else?”
“You have been training for only a few weeks. My army has been training most of their lives. One wrong move and you could have caused them to kill you.”
She grabbed his forearm and pulled him to meet the embers in her eyes. “Them? Causedthemto kill me?” she fumed. “You think so little of me that their actions are what’s on your mind? Them! I could have handledthemjust fine.” With shaking force, she shoved hard against his chest, barely making him flinch.
Garrik grunted, pulled himself away with a pluck of his tunic, and swerved around a barracks tent, ushering her beside him. “You think that if I cared so little that I would have gone against my better judgment and jumped in the ring to protect you?”
“Why do you care?” Alora stumbled a step, swatting his hand away when he reached to steady her. “I don’t need you or anyone else protecting me. Or have you forgotten that so easily? I’ve been doing that my entire life, mighty prince. So, shove your chivalry right up your ass.” Surging at him, two strong fists slammed against his chest before his solid grip wrapped around them.
A sigh filled his lungs as he tried to be reasonable. “You are drunk.”
“And you’re a prick.” She almost spat in his face before pulling away and storming ahead.
He grabbed her arm, spinning her to face him mid-step. “Why can you not see that the things I have done are for your own good?”
“You? The monster I saw tonight? My gallant protector! Thank you so much for saving my life. Pffft.” Maybe if she wasn’tcompletely wasted, she wouldn’t have said that, but even so, was glad she did.
“You need sleep. Get your ass to bed and in the morning when you have returned to your …charmingself, we can discuss this further.” Garrik held onto her upper arm, leading her as she staggered through the grid of tents until they found their firesite.