In his dreams. “No. I’m fine.”
“Do not be stubborn. If you wish, I will find Jade and she can?—”
“No!” Alora sighed so pointedly her nostrils flared. “Fine. But if your hands go anywhere but my knee…” she hissed andpressed her lips tight. In one ungraceful movement, Alora lifted her hips, wiggling her leather pants down to her boots before ripping her black undershirt down and over her thighs.
Garrik took on a wolfish nature and stood, stalking to the edge of the bed.
“Tempting, certainly,” he said and placed his hand on the tip of her boot, pulling slowly on the heel until it was off, then repeated with the other. “But I think you are in no condition for where that may lead, no matter howpleasurableyou would find it to be. Would you not agree?”
Instead of lunging at him, she settled for hurling a large pillow at his smug face.
Smokeshadows cascaded from his shoulders, intercepting it before whisking it away into thin air as he smirked.
She snatched another from behind and placed it across her thighs before he gripped the ends of her pants and slid them off.
“Taking your clothes off for me already? You have not even taken me on a date yet.” Mischief swirled in his stare before he turned away toward the entrance.
Another pillow went soaring through the space between them. This time, successfully landing a soft blow to the back of his head.
He spun back around and glared; fists balled to his sides.
Smokeshadows whirled above her like rain clouds.
With one quick glance up, her head was met with the weight of the missing pillow falling flat into her unsuspecting face. If her forehead wasn’t already piping hot, it would’ve been steaming from the look she bore into mischievous, silver eyes.
Garrik released a deep laugh as he turned, pulling at the tunic fabric against his abdomen, avoiding the middle finger proudly raised in his direction. A sound she’d rarely heard since her arrival at camp.
She almost … liked it.
He walked to the table at the far side of his tent and removed the papers from the top.
A nervous rush filtered through her nerves. Remembering the map that remained hidden, rolled inside a hollowed-out leg of her bedframe.
His corded arms lifted the table with ease and placed it within arm’s reach of Alora. “Can you stand, or shall I lift you?”
Alora crossed her arms and glared at him.
Before she could say a word, one of the High Prince’s arms wrapped around her back, the other under both knees, effortlessly lifting her from the bed to the tabletop.
The pillow toppled before she could capture it, so she quickly readjusted her shirt to cover her thighs and pressed her knees as close to each other as she could handle.
Garrik gathered a leather bag from his chair and placed it beside her before rifling through the contents. Through glass clunks, he found what he needed and set clear liquid bottles and clean cloth on the table.
Eldacar’s medical bag.
Maybe she should’ve asked for him instead.
Garrik poured clear liquid on a clean cloth and hesitated. “If I am to clean this.” He cleared his throat. “You will need to spread your legs for me.”
Alora bit her bottom lip.Stars above, burn me now.She gripped the edge of the wooden table and tried to steady her twitching arms.
His eyebrow lifted.I promise I will be gentle.
Her grip went clammy as a flush climbed up her face. “Can you make this any more awkward?” She swallowed and looked away. Through the corner of her evaded vision, the High Prince’s broad shadow stalked closer.
I can make this many things, clever girl.Garrik’s solid body pressed against her trembling knees as he leaned into her,causing her grip to release from the table’s edge and avoid his incoming proximity.
A black sleeve entered her vision as his silver and black rings scuffed forward beside her thighs. She was failing the fight to remain calm when his calloused hand rubbed against her cheek, grazing her chin before it turned her to face the silver of his predatory eyes.