Page 84 of Exposure of Murder

Olivia nodded, zipped her lips, then smiled. “When I’m with friends, I don’t have my journalist hat on, so whatever is discussed is safe.” She leaned forward and winked. “Although it is in my mental filing cabinet to be retrieved at some point in time when needed.”

The girls laughed, the tension easing. “Fair enough,” exclaimed Jane.

Leah joined them just as a waitress—not Flo but someone new—brought them coffee.

“Sooo, you and Ethan finally did the nasty, huh?” Leah asked with a smirk.

“Do tell,” said Claire, leaning in. “I’m a little behind on gossip.”

Jane felt her cheeks heat up. “Well, he has spent the last couple of nights at the house,” she added, trying to sound nonchalant. “For protection purposes.”

“Is that what they’re calling it now?” Leah said. “Protection purposes?” Leah shook her head and started giggling. The girls joined in, and soon everyone in the diner was starting to look at the four crazy women laughing hysterically.

Their conversation shifted to lighter topics, and Jane relaxed and realized good friends were just what she needed to take her mind off everything else that was happening in her life.


Jane reached over to the side of the bed. Empty.

The sheets were cool under her hand, so Ethan must have gotten up early. She wasn’t sure of his schedule yet since their relationship was so new. She lay back on her pillow, letting memories of their lovemaking play in her mind.

Ethan was a fantastic lover, but what Jane liked most was his ability to make it fun. She hadn’t heard him laugh so much in all the months she had known him.

And wasn’t that fascinating—despite her being in Vermont for only a matter of months, it felt as though she had known him for ages.

But sometimes, when you know, you know.

She knew Mike four years before they married. They knew almost immediately they were meant for each other but wanted to graduate and get jobs first.

She eased her way out of bed and heard voices coming up from the kitchen. Men’s voices. One was Ethan’s. But who was the other? Then Jane remembered Sean was coming down today to install the security cameras. She rushed through her shower and got dressed.

“There she is,” said Ethan with a grin. He reached into the cupboard, grabbed a mug, filled it with coffee, and handed it to her but not before kissing her cheek.

“Good morning to you,” said Jane. She turned to look at Sean.

If she hadn’t seen the two men side by side, she wouldn’t have guessed they were brothers.

Ethan was tall, dark-haired, with brown eyes. Sean was a couple of inches shorter with a muscular build. They both had been in the military, but Sean was an ex-SEAL and even more intense than Ethan. He was clean-shaven with a strong jaw. His dark hair was cut short, and he had piercing blue eyes that seemed to be sizing her up. He wore a black polo shirt with his company’s logo on it and black tactical pants and boots. Go figure.

“Jane. I’m Sean.” He did not extend his hand until she moved closer to shake his. A lot of men wouldn’t assume a woman wanted to shake hands. Points to Sean.

“Sean has the cameras with him. Want to come to the barn and see where he puts them?” asked Ethan.

“I’d love that. And I also want to know how they work,” she said. She was curious, having never watched someone install cameras before.

“More knowledge for a mystery book?” teased Sean with a slight smile.

Jane chuckled. “Maybe one of these days I’ll write another. But first, I’d like to make sure I stay alive to do it.”

“I hear you.” Sean nodded. “Ethan and I are committed to ensuring your safety.” He looked at Ethan. “I know he’s doing his part, so hopefully, the cameras will help catch whoever is doing this.”

“Let’s get this show on the road,” said Ethan, looking at the clock. “I have to be at the station in two hours.”

“I can handle this without you,” Sean said.

Ethan shot him a look. “No way. Jane will take one look at you flexing your muscles and fall head over heels.”

Sean shook his head and smirked.