“I told you that Sean, my brother, is investigating shady land dealings that Thornton was involved in.” He squirted ketchup on the burger and took a bite.
She nodded, took a sip of coffee, then popped a bite of pie into her mouth and groaned.
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. Would she groan like that if they were having sex? His pulse quickened. God, he wanted to think so. He shook his head. He needed to focus on the case, not on the dark-haired beauty sitting across from him.
“That pie is so good,” she said.
“I know,” he replied. “Anyhow, Sean warned me to be on the lookout for someone new in town.”
Her brow furrowed. “So, you think just because Bucky’s new in town and an ex-con that he is involved in these shady deals and maybe killed Thornton?”
“It’s crossed my mind.” Ethan shrugged. “Stranger things have happened.”
Jane took a deep breath and exhaled. “Is this why you asked me to have coffee with you?” Her voice was edged with disappointment.
Oh boy. Jane was a little upset. How could he explain that he not only wanted to keep her safe but also wanted to get to know her better—a lot better?
“Um, no, not the only reason,” he replied. “But as sheriff of this town, I need to know who’s in it and if they are here to commit crimes. What do you know about Bucky? He did just show up out of the blue.”
Jane put her elbows on the table, clasped her hands, sighed, and then leaned forward. “So, what’s the other reason?”
Could he tell her?Shouldhe tell her was a better question. Ethan debated for a minute. Now or never.
“I’d also like to get to know you better. Perhaps even have a date.”
“Oh.” She nodded to herself. “I wouldn’t be opposed to going out on a date.”
Ethan snorted. “Good to know.”
“Now would you answer my question about Bucky? Please,” he asked.
Was she going to answer him? Did she even know the reason?
“I hate to betray confidences, but I’ll give you a little on Bucky’s background,” she replied in a tight voice. “Bucky and my husband, Mike, were in foster care together.”
Well, that wasn’t what he expected to hear. “Were they close?”
“But you hadn’t met Bucky before he came to Beaver Creek.”
She shook her head. “He was in prison. When he got out, he read Mike’s obituary. There was something that belonged to a woman he loved, and he hoped Mike still had it.”
“What was it?”
“A diary,” she continued. “She was in foster care with them, and someone raped her after she aged out.”
“Damn. That’s awful.”
“Yeah. Bucky found her, but she didn’t want to see him. She was embarrassed. He learned she’d committed suicide. In college, Mike met someone who knew them in foster care and told him who raped her.”
Ethan closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head. Dang, that was sad.
“This part is private, and I will deny I ever told you.” Jane glared at him. “I will make your life miserable if I hear you repeat it. Understood?”