“Yup.” Ethan chuckled. “You could say it’s in my blood.”
They sat in silence for a minute. “Well, you mentioned you had an update,” Jane said.
Ethan leaned back in his chair, steepled his hands together, his expression serious. “We’ve made some progress. We know Thornton was struck in the back of his head, then died from a shot through the heart before being chained and dumped in the pond.”
“Okay …”
“Our list of suspects has shrunk significantly, which I’m sure you’re happy to hear.”
Jane smirked. “Oh, so I’m not your number one suspect anymore?”
Ethan shook his head. “Hate to disappoint, but no. Neither is Tanner, Vanessa, Annabelle, Margie Thornton or Jim Jenkins.”
Jane hadn’t realized Tanner was on the list. That was curious, and she wondered why. But that was a question for another day. “Hmm… then who is?”
“Don’t know yet.” Ethan shuffled some papers around his desk before pulling one out. “My brother Sean runs a security company out of Burlingham and suspects Thornton was a consultant and front man for shady land deals.”
“Holy crap.” That was not the update Jane was hoping for. “Does that mean I might be in danger?”
Ethan’s expression hardened. “I want to say no, but I don’t know for sure. It’s odd that Thornton was adamant about buying your land. Although his daughter mentioned he had an unhealthy obsession with it and its history.”
“Do tell.” Jane processed that information, her thoughts swirling. This would make an interesting story for a novel, if only she weren’t a major character or potential victim in it.
He checked his watch and stood. “I don’t have time now to tell you. I have another appointment. Why don’t we have a cup of coffee soon and I’ll give you all the sordid details?”
She looked at Ethan. Yes, he looked all sheriffy, well, if sheriffy were a word, but there was a hopeful glint in his eyes. Imagine that!
“I’d like that very much.”
His smile made his face look younger and even more attractive, as if that were possible. One Jane wanted to kiss. Oh God, she had to get out of here fast before things got complicated.
“I’ll walk you out,” said Ethan.
“Thanks.” She followed him out of the office, said goodbye to Ethan and Nora and left feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. Jane looked forward to having coffee with Ethanand hoped the danger would be over soon. But as the saying went, “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
Bucky was leaving for the day, but he had one last matter to discuss with Jane. He closed the door to the barn, the creak of the hinges fading as he inhaled the earthy smell of dirt and hay and the musky scent of sheep. Over the past couple of months, he’d grown to love farming and all that it entailed, which surprised the crap out of him since he was never exposed to that world.
He enjoyed working with Jane and understood why Mike loved her; she was kind, thoughtful and brave—traits he admired. Jane stood up for those less fortunate and was fiercely loyal to those she liked. She also worked hard to make a new life for herself.
Dusk was closing in fast as he walked to the farmhouse. A sliver of moon hung in the sky, casting shadows on the path. He knocked on the door. Jane opened it. Her dark hair shimmered in the light. She had on a black sleeveless shimmery dress and heels, looking every bit the city girl.
“Bucky, hi.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “Everything all right?”
“Yeah.” He rubbed his hands down his pants, trying to ignore the sudden dryness in his mouth. “First off, you look gorgeous. Going somewhere special?”
“Yes, I have a date.” Jane smiled and looked so happy. She opened the door wider. “Come in.”
He stepped into the hall. “Sweet. Anyone I know?”
“I don’t think so. He’s somewhat new to town.” She nervously smoothed down the edge of her dress. “Is everything okay?”
“Just wanted to say the feed arrived today, but we might need a couple more bags.”
She laughed. “Those sheep are getting too fat. Why don’t you call the Feed & Grow tomorrow and order it?”
“You want me to order it?”