“Sore.” She took the pills and washed them down with the water. “Any updates about Victor?”
Ethan’s expression shifted slightly.
What was he not telling her?
“Tell me,” Jane insisted.
“My deputies staked out the house, and about an hour after we left, two men pulled up in a car. There was a scuffle. But they arrested two men and found their mug shots when Adam booked them.”
“Oh, I just remembered something,” Jane said as a memory surfaced. “Yesterday, when I was in the barn, I dropped some food under the feed bin. As I was trying to gather the loose feed, I felt something like”—she frowned—“like a piece of metal or ametal box. Victor came in and surprised me before I could pull it out.” She looked over at Ethan. “It might be important.”
Ethan nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll check it out.” He picked up a piece of toast and held it out to her. “You need something in your stomach. Eat.”
“Bossy,” Jane muttered but took a bite.
“Just wait until you feel better and see how bossy I can be.” Ethan smirked.
Jane laughed. “I can’t wait.” She blinked a few times. “I think I’m going to rest my eyes for a few minutes.”
Ethan removed the tray. “Sleep. It will do your body good. I’ll be up a little later.”
Jane shut her eyes. The scent of his aftershave lingered in the air, and she thought about how lucky she was to have found Ethan. In her mind, she could feel Mike smiling down at her as she slipped back to sleep.
Ethan got up early, before dawn. The sun had not yet risen, but he couldn’t sleep any longer. The lingering scent of Jane’s lavender shampoo on her pillow reminded him of holding Jane all night. She had only woken once with a nightmare, but he’d calmed her down and she went right back to sleep. And he wanted to shoot Victor again for causing her pain.
He had so many things to do today, not the least of which was getting to the station and getting updates on what went down last night.
But first, Ethan walked into the kitchen to fix coffee, only to find Savannah had already started a pot. He poured himself a cup and offered one to Savannah, who shook her head.
Savannah was sitting at the table, her brow furrowed as she sketched scenes of barns and cows on a pad of paper.
“You’re up early,” he said as he pulled up a chair and sat across from her, taking his first sip of coffee.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“I hear you,” he replied. “I think this has taken ten years off my life.”
Ethan looked at the sketchbook in front of her and admired the vibrant red barn and colorful cows in a field she was sketching. “Nice,” he said. “You’re branching out from your usual scenes of Boston?”
Savannah smiled faintly. “Yeah. I’m supposed to see Claire today and show her my new portfolio. But…” she trailed off with a sigh. “I can’t leave Jane, so it’ll have to wait for another time.”
“That’s silly,” said Ethan, leaning back in his chair. “I’m calling Bucky to come and help out. Maybe Jane will feel better if she goes out. It’ll get her mind off everything that happened.”
Savannah glanced at him over her sketchbook. “Well, she might enjoy it. That is, if she’s feeling better.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and the warm room relaxed Ethan. “Actually, while I have you here, there’s something I wanted to ask you.” He proceeded to describe what he wanted and asked if Savannah could do that for him.
“Are you kidding?” Her eyes lit up with excitement. “I’d be thrilled.”
With that settled, Ethan’s mind shifted to the tasks ahead for the day. He wanted to talk to the two men Adam apprehended. They were likely connected to Victor’s gang, but so far, they hadn’t given up much information.
Victor would be dealt with. No doubt the state police or even the FBI would step in to take charge. Their crimes stretched way beyond Beaver Creek. Sean would be thrilled to hear the news, and Ethan planned to call him later to get updates.
He also needed to go down to the barn and find this metal box Jane couldn’t reach. Perhaps it held clues to what Victor or David Thornton were up to. Or maybe it was nothing at all. He wouldn’t know until he got his hands on it.
An hour later,Ethan was showered, dressed, and on his way to the station. The early morning frost had melted in the warmth of the rising sun.