As she thought about it, wasn’t that what the police alluded to regarding Mike’s death so many months ago? She had called to follow up and learned Mike’s car accident was just an unfortunate event and that the rookie was reprimanded for saying what he said to Jane.
“Well, if you ever do write again, I hope I never read about myself in one of your novels.”
“Oh, I can’t believe you’d commit a crime.” She chuckled.
He raised his brows. “You never know. Everyone is capable of crime.”
Flo placed a cup of coffee in front of him, and he smiled at Jane.
“Do you want something else? I was thinking of having a piece of pie,” he said.
“Hmmm.” Jane looked at Flo. “I’d like a slice of apple pie, please.”
“Make that two.”
Flo left them. Their conversation flowed smoothly, and Jane was thoroughly enjoying Victor’s company.
The hour flew by. They’d consumed the pie and coffee and touched on a variety of subjects. Victor was by far the most interesting man she’d met here so far. Victor looked at his watch. “I have an appointment to get to. Will you go out to dinner with me sometime this week?”
“I’d love to.”
Victor followed Jane out of the diner, gently placing his hand on her back as he opened the door. She stood awkwardly on the sidewalk. Their eyes met, and Victor smiled. He leaned in for a kiss on her cheek. “I’ll call you.”
Jane walked away feeling like a new chapter in her life was just beginning.
Arriving home,she noticed that Clarence’s truck was gone. Bucky’s car was parked by the barn. She thought about checking in with him, but she was anxious to see the finished third bedroom.
Jane went inside, placing her purse on a chair in the living room. She walked upstairs to change, eager to look at the renovated room.
As she climbed the stairs, she heard rustling coming from the small dormer bedroom. Her heart started pounding. Who or what could be in there?
Tiptoeing over, she peered in and saw Bucky going through boxes that contained things of Mike’s she’d saved to look through when she wouldn’t cry.
“What the hell are you doing?”
Bucky was startled and turned toward Jane. He’d been too intent on finding what he was looking for.
He didn’t hear her car in the driveway or hear her come up the stairs. After Jane went into town earlier, he helped Clarence bring in some new cabinets for the small bedroom. Clarence left half an hour ago, and it was the perfect time to look quickly into the boxes of Mike’s things.
He was still crouched on the floor, holding old photos, letters and mementos, when she walked in. Memories that were both bittersweet and painful.
Jane stood by the door, her face a mixture of confusion and anger. “Those are my husband’s things.”
Damn. Caught.
Bucky’s heart raced. He gently placed the photos back in the box, stood, and ran his hands through his hair. “Jane. I…”
“I don’t understand what’s going on. Why are you looking in those boxes?”
Bucky sighed. “I can explain everything. Can we go downstairs and talk?”
Jane hesitated, but he knew she was curious. She motioned for him to follow her downstairs to the living room. She took a seat on the couch. Bucky sat across from her.
“Let’s hear it,” she demanded.
Bucky let out a deep breath. “I wasn’t stealing. I know it looks bad, but I was looking for something Mike might have saved.”