Page 137 of Between the Lines

“Sure. Great to see you too, Connor.”

She gives him a tight-lipped smile, and the redhead—who absolutely looks like his sister, now that I know the connection—bounds off toward the bar portion of the restaurant.

Claire sighs, resting her chin in her hands, her elbows propped on the table, as our dinners are delivered. The mood of our date is off for the remainder of the evening. Something is bothering Claire about that interaction, and I fill in the blanks in my head.

She’s worried about Connor telling Penelope about us.

And in a way, she should be.

What will Penelope’s reaction be when she finds out that her roommate has been seeing her boss? Will it damage their relationship?

And apart from that, jealousy is now stirring in my chest.

Connor is Claire’s age. He’s out getting a night cap with friends, because that’s what people her age do. They go out drinking with friends. They don’t sit around talking about chess strategy, or hole in on a weekend with a stack of books from the library. People her age are supposed to beliving.

It’s what I was supposed to be doing, when I gave that lifestyle up so I could give it all to Cal.

I’m left to wonder then, after Claire pulls out of my driveway, if what we’re doing is the right thing. If, by keeping her all to myself, I’m taking away her freedom too.



When Penelope walksin the door—later than my return from Nathan’s driveway, might I add—tension is so thick I can taste it.

She lied. She wasn’t out to eat with her brother. Why does that bother me so much, especially when I’ve been lying to her too? I mean, Iknowwhy it bothers me. I just hate admitting it. She’s the first person I’ve trusted outside of my family, and evenshecan’t give me the simple respect to either say the truth or not say anything at all. I haven’t decided if I’m going to call her out or not, but she joins me on the living room couch as soon as her things are put away and I instantly tense.

“Hey! How was your night? Did varsity win?”

I set down the PJ Layne book I’ve been pretending to read for the past hour.


Good. Give her one word answers, and you won’t have to blurt out that?—

“How was dinner with Connor?”

Smooth, Claire.Real smooth.

“It was good,” she says without missing a beat. She reaches formy bowl of half-eaten popcorn and shovels a handful into her mouth. “I don’t get to see him too often since he moved in with his dad, so it’s always nice catching up.”

“Where’d you guys go for dinner?”

“Some seafood place he recommended.”

“And what’d you get?”

“Alaskan crab legs. I haven’t had crab in?—”

“I know you weren’t out with Connor tonight!”

I’m so smooth, you could put me on toast.

Penelope, cheeks full of popcorn, turns to me with wide eyes. She slowly chews, swallows, and gulps.

I huff. Pinch my eyes closed. “I’m sorry I yelled. It’s just that… I just…”

I stare down at my lap, hoping I’m not about to blow something wonderful.