“And why do we look sullen?” I asked him.
“I honor the priestess’s wisdom, but we should be sending riders to the other kings and queens.”
I nodded slowly. “Yes. That would be the logical thing to do. But you and I both know that more things are working in this world than the actions of men. If Môd cannot achieve what she hopes, we will act. We have time. It’s a long walk from Rome.”
Cormag considered and then said, “What is this place they speak of, the Claws of the Cailleach?”
“I’ve never seen it. It is as old as the henge of the three sisters. Its magic is a mystery.”
“What will she do there?”
“I don’t know, precisely.”
“Then how?—”
“I will tell you when I return.”
“You will go with the priestesses?”
Cormag frowned.
“I’ll be all right. The sacred site is near Isurium Brigantum. I will stay with Aedan.”
He sighed heavily, then said, “Then I will remain in Rigodonum. If word comes for you, I can act quickly. Greer can care for our girls, but I will feel better if I am here with them.”
I took his hand. “Thank you, Cormag.”
“Go cautiously, Cartimandua. Do not forget that the Cailleach is the lady of winteranddeath. You may be queen of the Brigantes, but the Cailleach…”
“Cormag,” I said, meeting his gaze. There, I saw a wound he often kept buried. The Cailleach was his mother, but as such, she was an absentee one. How often had Cormag appealed to her only to find no reply?
“Sometimes, I think the goddesses move us only for their purposes. Do not forget that, and guard yourself. You might be queen of the Brigantes and a daughter to Brigantia and theCailleach, but you areeverythingto me,” he said, pulling me close.
“My love,” I whispered.
He kissed the top of my head and held me close.
Cormag knew very well that the gods were real, and now, we would seek their help in stopping the return of Rome once more. Out of all the kings and queens on this island, how had it come down to me—not the Northern or Greater Iceni, not the Coritani, not the warring Catuvellauni—me.
The goddesses had been whispering to me for months, and now I knew why.
The eagle was on our doorstep, and it was up to me to stop them.
Along with my guard, I prepared to ride out the following day. Branagán pranced under me, excited to be on a ride once more. I patted my father’s horse, calming him, as Cormag looked up anxiously at me.
“I do not like any of this,” he said. “Promise me you will be careful. Something sits heavy in my heart, Cartimandua. Please, be cautious.”
I reached for his hand. “I will,” I said, then smiled at the bundle in his arms. He held Regan while Greer waited with Aelith. I swallowed hard, feeling a pinch in my stomach once more. I hated to leave them. But what would become of us if Rome turned its eye to the isle beyond Ocean once more? I would do anything to keep my daughters safe.
Following my gaze, Cormag lifted Regan and handed her to me.
“Be good for your father, my sweet princess,” I said, kissing her on the forehead. She studied me with her bright blue eyes, her hands and legs working excitedly. “What, want to ride with me? Well, I shall see you have a pony as soon as possible.” I kissed her once more, then carefully handed her back to Cormag.
Greer then handed me Aelith, whose blue eyes looked around at the world and were wide with fascination. “Awake, my little love?” I said, kissing her on the cheek, an effort which brought forth a smile from the baby. “Look,” I told Cormag with a laugh. “Do you like the sunlight on you, my Aelith? Do you hear the birds? The trees are trimmed all in bright green,” I said, gesturing to the early leaves on the trees nearby.