“Before yourself, my queen? I must know now before I proceed.”

“Yes. Yes. I understand your meaning. Before myself.”

“Very well, Queen Cartimandua. May Brigantia be with us. We will endeavor now.”

With that, she disappeared once more.

I turned and looked at Verbia holding my little girl, the top of the baby’s head covered in thick black hair. I smiled softly, but when I saw the look on Verbia’s face, a chill washed over me. She looked…frightened.

A moment later, I felt Violet apply something cold and wet to my body, and then…the feel of a knife and so much pressure, I screamed and could not stop screaming.

Black stops appeared before my eyes.

Aye, Brigantia. Don’t let me die. Not like this. Not like this.

But the pressure didn’t let up.

I screamed once more.

I was going to die. I would die here, my children unprotected.

“Eddin!” I screamed.

The door opened, and Eddin rushed inside. He hurried to me, slipping onto the bed beside me. He took a moment to take in the scene, seeing Verbia holding a child, and then Eddin went pale. I knew there was blood. I could smell it but could not see it.

“Queen Cartimandua, stay with us, my queen,” Violet called. “We have the child turned. The cord… the cord is wrapped. I must work quickly. Stay with us, my queen. Oh, Brigantia, be with her.”

Shaking uncontrollably, I reached out for Eddin, who moved behind me, taking me into his arms.

“Eddin,” I whispered. “Watch over my little ones. Eddin…Eddin, keep them safe until Cormag comes.”

“Carti,” Eddin said. “Stay with us. Stay right here. We are all with you.”

“Eddin… Oh, Eddin… I never told you how much?—”

“Now, Queen Cartimandua, push with all your might.”

I pushed hard, feeling like my body was being ripped in two.

Eddin held tightly onto me and whispered in my ear. “You’re okay, Carti. I’m here. You’re okay. May Brigantia watch over you…”

“Again!” Violet called.

I pushed hard, screaming with pain. Aye, goddess, how much it hurt. The pain was not like the first child. My head grew light, spots dancing before my eyes, and I struggled to stay awake.

“Queen Cartimandua,” Violet called in alarm. “My queen! Isla, put the salts under her nose. King Eddin, joggle her. Keep her awake.”

“Carti,” Eddin called, panic in his voice, shaking my shoulders. “Would you leave us now? You cannot do this to us, Cartimandua. Remember the Cailleach’s warning. There is no one strong enough to face what is coming but you. Your people need you.Ineed you. Don’t leave me, Carti,” he said, kissingmy head. “We all need you—me, your children, Cormag, the Brigantes. We all need you. Don’t leave us.”


Feeling like I was being pulled back from the brink, I pushed again, and this time, I felt the child break free.

“Isla! Quickly now,” Violet called to her apprentice.

I collapsed into Eddin’s arms as the others worked.

I looked up at him, meeting his green eyes.