“Cartimandua, mind the burning buildings,” Conall called, hurrying after me.

I rushed to the tiny creature, afraid she would run. “Come here,” I called to the little one. “Come to me.” To my relief, the little thing raced toward me.

Bending, I scooped her up.

“It’s all right,” I whispered to the kitten. “It’s all right.” The tiny kitten, no larger than a fist, quivered in my hands.

I looked up at the sky. The sun had started to rise. At the very edge of the horizon, the skyline was ruby red. A soft wind blew, sending embers floating above me. I watched as they floated overhead.

“Cartimandua… These embers are just the beginning of the flame that will soon consume your world. Make ready.”

The Cailleach.

Do not waste your time whispering to me. Why would I listen to one who set fire to my life?I replied indignantly.

The goddess did not reply.


With the tiny kitten in tow, we returned to Isurium Brigantum by midday. I was exhausted and ready to sleep, but I knew we must now be watchful. My gambit to take Chieftain Remick by surprise and nip Parisii boldness in the bud could quickly backfire.

It was possible that Ruith would take it as a declaration of war and rally his warriors.

I doubted it, but I had gambled.

In the hours to come, I would see if I was right in my assessment that Ruith was, in fact, weak and scared.

Along with the men I had taken captive, I sent word to Brennan, asking him to make ready if I needed to call his banners.

The bucket with Chieftain Remick’s head went with a messenger to the Parisii seat in Brough. My message was clear. I had avenged the wrongdoings done to my people. I had taken back my stolen goods, and the culprit of the crimes against my people had been punished. I warned Ruith that any further incursions would be met with my total forces.

And then, I waited.

Back in Isurium Brigantum, I prepared to rest in the small but comfortable chamber Aedan had readied for me.

“Do you want me to attend to the kitten?” Lollie, the girl Aedan had sent to assist me, asked. “She’s an energetic little thing,” Lollie added, patting the all-white kitten. “Pretty and a touch mad, I think. Kind of like your Roman man,” the girl said with a laugh, scratching the kitten’s belly, which earned the maid a full attack with teeth and claws.

It was clear that the girl Aedan had sent to attend me was more kitchen maid than ladies’ maid. In fact, she had hardly assisted me at all, so busy playing with the little cat. Not that I minded. I needed no pampering and was also completely enamored with the kitten.

“And just where is my Roman man?”

“Lord Fabius was shopping in the village. He made one of the guards take him.”

I rolled my eyes. “Very well. As for the kitten, I think we’ll be all right.”

The kitten had eaten her bites of chicken with great ferocity and a lot of growling. Given how thin she was and how much she’d eaten, I guessed she’d been alone for a while.

“Very well, Queen Cartimandua. But if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call for me,” the girl said, then departed.

Exhausted, I lay down in bed, my eyes drifting closed at once. I would stay in Isurium Brigantum and wait for Ruith’s reply. Whether it was a messenger or swords. I would know soon enough.

I had just drifted off to sleep when I felt a little body snuggle under my chin. I lifted my hand and set it on the kitten, giving her a light pat. “I hope that bath Lollie gave you got all your fleas off, or we’ll both be itching by morning,” I said, then drifted back to sleep.

For the first time in months, I dreamed of my daughters.

In my dream, they were older. Both girls were taller, their hair shoulder-length. Regan wore a black gown with silver trim. Aelith was dressed in white and gold. They wore the small diadems Ystradwel had given them. They held my hands and led me through a field of flowers, laughing as the butterflies surrounded us.

“You see? See where we are? Isn’t it beautiful here? This is where we are waiting for you,” Regan told me.