I sat back, trying to collect myself as I sipped the water, Cormag patiently waiting beside me. After a moment, I set the cup aside and took his hand, getting up. “It has passed, I think. I must make ready to meet with the chieftains. Let us hope this was the worst of my day.”
“Shall I call for Hilda to help?”
I frowned at the bucket. “No. She will gossip too much.”
Cormag went to the door, speaking briefly to the guards, and then one of the chamber boys appeared. He whispered in the boy’s ear, then passed off the bucket. The young man quickly departed while I went to make ready.
After I cleaned up, I pulled out a plum-colored gown, pinned my hair with a silver horse pin, and made ready. I rolled my shoulders back, smoothed my dress, and then went to Cormag, helping him lace his vest.
A moment later, there was a knock on the door.
“Queen Cartimandua?” Corva called. “Conall would speak to you a moment.”
Corva and Conall entered.
“My queen,” Corva said. “The chieftains are assembling below.”
“Thank you, Corva,” I told her, then turned to Conall. “What is on your mind, my friend?”
“When your mother ruled, your father met with the chieftains. Your mother saw to the wives. The ladies are also gathering below. I would suggest… Perhaps you should speak to Lady Flora, wife of Chieftain Brennan, my queen. I do not interact much with the women, but the presence of Princess Alys is a problem. Lady Flora would be a reliable steward for the ladies.”
I nodded. “Yes. You are right. I would appreciate it if you could fetch someone to summon her.”
Conall nodded, then departed.
Corva smiled lightly. “Time to dance, my queen.”
I laughed lightly. “Let us ensure the only music that plays is the kind I like.”
At that, Cormag, Corva, and I headed below.
When we arrived downstairs, I found Lady Flora and Conall waiting for me. I gestured for the lady to step aside with me.
“My queen,” she said gently.
“I was ever in my father’s shadow when he was alive. Now, I am in a predicament where I must ask your assistance.”
“Anything, my queen.”
“The king consort will attend me with the chieftains, leaving their wives without someone from this house to guide them. My mother long fulfilled this duty, but now… I suspect you are all old friends, but I must ensure we are all mindful of our new addition.”
“Princess Alys.”
“Whatever is said, even in friendly conversation, will return to King Ruith. I need someone to guide the conversation,someone I can trust to ensure King Ruith hears nothing of importance.”
“I understand and will see to it as best I may, my queen. Perhaps, after our morning meal, your guards would accompany us to the city to browse for wares. I will see that the princess observes all the best vendors and little else. You may rely upon us, my queen.”
“Thank you for your help.”
She inclined her head to me.
With that, Conall went with Lady Flora, the two planning the excursion into Rigodonum, while Corva, Cormag, and I went to the meeting room.
When I entered, I found the chieftains assembled—including Venu and three Carvetti retainers, all of whom looked sourly upon me until Venu chided them with his gaze.
The men rose when I entered, banging their fists on the table in greeting. I went to the end of the table, Cormag taking the seat to my right beside Chieftain Andoc. Corva slipped behind me like a shadow, her eyes watchful.