I stared at her. “What?”

Verbia shook her head, then gestured that she wanted me to make her a bread like I’d made for myself, only stopping my hand when I reached for the garum.

“I would not expect it to taste good either, but it does.”

Chuckling, Verbia merely shook her head once more.

Making another for myself and one for Verbia, I sat back and enjoyed again. The old woman ate quietly but with a light smile as she ruminated. I was hunting the table for the pickled eggs and onions when Verbia rose. She went to the stores, digging for something, then returned a moment later. She clicked to Nettle that it was time to go, set her hand on my shoulder, then kissed me on my forehead.

“Lady Verbia, may I escort you back?” Mael Coluim offered, but she waved him away.

Before she left, however, Verbia set a raw egg in front of me.

Giving me a wink, she and her cat departed.

I stared at the egg.

Why an egg?

Lifting my honey, cheese, apple butter, garum, and chicken bread, I took another bite and considered. And then another. And another. Until…

“By Brigantia,” I said finally, realization washing over me. “Am I so blind?”

“My queen?” Mael Coluim asked.

I rose quickly but then paused to finish off the last bite of pickled egg and onion—only to realize I’d finished nearly the whole crock—then set off back upstairs once more.

“My queen?” Mael Coluim called, a chicken leg in one hand as he hurriedly followed behind me as I wove through the hallways, returning to my bedchamber. Brynaich came to attention when I reached the door.

“The king consort is still within,” he told me, opening the door.

“Thank you,” I told him, then hurried inside.

I rushed to the bed and then shook Cormag’s shoulder. “Cormag. Cormag, wake up.”

“Carti? What is it? Is something wrong?” he asked sleepily.

I shook my head. “No. Not wrong. I just… Cormag, I’m… I think… I do not know for certain, but I think I’m?—”

“With child?” he replied, sitting up. Smiling at me, he pushed my raven-black tresses over my shoulder.

“Wait, how did you know?”

“Cartimandua, you have eaten all of your and most of my dinner for the last week, and you did not even realize. We are early in our marriage, so I am as surprised as you, but we have not been shy in our…practice.”

I crawled on top of him and cupped his face in my hands. “I… Thank you.”

He laughed. “You’re welcome.”

Chuckling, I shook my head. “Oh, Cormag. Everything has been in upheaval. Aside from our marriage, none of it was good. But this,” I said, setting my hand on my stomach. “I didn’t dream it could be possible, but I am happy. Truly happy. I…I love you.”

Cormag pulled us down onto the bed and kissed me. “I love you too, even if you smell like pickled eggs and onion.”

I laughed. “I’m sorry,” I told him, burying my face in his shoulder, soaking in his woodsy scent.

“You are my queen. I would do anything for you. And now, you will be the mother of my child. You are mine, and I am yours, Cartimandua. I will protect you and my child until there is no breath in me and beyond,” he said, kissing the side of my head.

“May Brigantia and the Cailleach be thanked,” I whispered, but I felt Cormag’s body stiffen. “What is it?”