The sleek black cat entered, Verbia following her inside.
“Verbia,” I said, relieved to see her.
She gave me a sympathetic smile and joined me.
With Verbia sitting beside me, the sound of Eddin’s music coming from the hall, I tried to stay calm. But soon, the pain became unbearable.
“I must push,” I told Violet through gritted teeth.
“Let me see.” After a quick inspection, Violet nodded. “Yes. It is time. Now, you will listen to me and push when I say, Queen Cartimandua. It is hard work. Do as I tell you.”
And with that began the most painful and unreal experiences of my life. Feeling like I was living with one foot in this world, and one in the other plane beyond, I tried to keep my focus on Eddin’s music as Violet called for me to push.
My back contorted and ached, a feeling like no other I had ever experienced before.
And in the midst of all of it, I stingingly felt Cormag’s absence.
Aye, goddesses, why did I let him go?
I had been so sure of Onnen’s words.
Again and again, Violet called for me to push.
Arching my back and gripping Hilda’s hand while Verbia gently patted my shoulder, I pushed and pushed until…
“There we go. There we go,” Violet called. “Once more, Cartimandua. Once more. Hard now.”
I pushed for all I was worth, feeling like I was being torn apart, and then the child came through.
“There now, wee one. I’ve got you. I’ve got you,” Violet said, taking the babe into her hands. I saw her working quickly, and then… a wail sounded out, the shriek making Nettle jump from Verbia’s lap and disappear under the bed.
Outside, I heard a round of cheers.
“A princess, my queen. The next queen of the Brigantes has come. Feisty small one,” she said, wrapping the baby and handing her to Isla. “Let the queen see her, then we have more work to do.”
A strange feeling wracked my body. The pressure of birth had not gone. My back ached weirdly, and I suddenly felt like I might vomit.
“My queen,” Isla said, showing me the baby.
I looked briefly at the child, seeing her head of dark hair. “A little crow,” I whispered, but labor pains wracked me again. The pain was more intense than before, making me scream so loudly it even took me by surprise and made the tiny babe call out.
Verbia rose and took my daughter from Isla’s arms, settling in with her. She wrapped the baby in another blanket and held her close, whispering to her softly.
Between my knees, Violet swore, then rummaged about in her medicine bag. “Isla,” she called to the girl, her tone serious.
“What is it?” I asked through my pain. “What’s wrong?”
Violet didn’t answer me at once.
Not answering, the woman worked busily, she and her apprentice whispering.
“The child is facing the wrong direction, my queen,” Violet said. “I…I will have to make a cut to help me turn the child,” she said, then paused and came to my bedside. Her apron and her hands were covered in blood. “You are bleeding heavily, my queen. If I delay, you and the child may both die. I must do this to save you both, but such a labor often results in the woman not bearing easily again or without risk. You must know this before I proceed.”
“Do what you must. Save my child.”