“Lie back. Let me see what news there is of our heirs. Count the time between the pains, my queen.”

I did as she said, leaning back into my bed and counting as the woman examined me. The muscles of my legs began to cramp, and my head felt light. I tried to breathe deeply as the woman worked.



After what felt like an eternity, the woman reemerged from between my legs, covering me, and began giving orders to Hilda. “We will need blankets, fresh water, and bank up the fire a bit. Tell the servants to be quick about it. The laboring is coming soon, Queen Cartimandua. With two, it is twice the work. I will prepare a tonic to help ease the pain,” she said, then turned to the young girl. “This is Isla, my apprentice. Isla, make the queen comfortable.”

Isla nodded to Violet and then turned to me.

“Queen Cartimandua,” the girl said, curtsying. “Let me adjust your pillows.”

Isla was a pretty thing with honey-brown hair, eyes nearly the same shade, and a smattering of freckles on her nose and cheeks.

“Did you assist Violet in the labors this morning?” I asked.

“I did, my queen. This will be my twentieth delivery…well, twenty and twenty-one,” she said with a light laugh.

“Sweet girl,” I said, then winced as another pain wracked me.

“How long, my queen?” the old woman asked.

“I… I lost count,” I said, feeling breathless.

“Start again.”

“Is she just trying to distract me?” I asked with a wince.

Isla grinned at me. “No, my queen. The count will tell us when you must start bearing down.”

Violet’s arrival seemed to coax the little ones within me to think it was time to go. My labor pains came on more strongly. I felt like I was being torn apart.

There was a knock on the door.

Hilda went to see.

I heard Eddin ask if he might enter to comfort me, but Hilda sent him away.

“Is that Eddin out there?” I asked.

“Yes, Queen Cartimandua,” Hilda replied with annoyance.

“Maybe he can?—”

“He’s fine where he is, my queen. Men are not strong enough to handle seeing women they care for in labor. Let him be where he is,” Hilda told me.

Frowning, my brow drenched in sweat, I breathed heavily and braced myself as I counted between the pains.

“Soon,” Isla told me.

Everything hurt. I could not take my mind from the pain until…

From the hallway outside my room, I suddenly heard the soft sound of music. The notes were light and sweet. It was then I recognized that Eddin was playing one of my favorite melodies.

I exhaled deeply and heavily and tried to focus on the music, which calmed me.

After a time, I heard some commotion in the hallway, and the door opened.