“What are you doing?” I asked, trying not to be annoyed.

“It’s too hot in here.”

“Nonsense, King Eddin,” Hilda told him. “We must have the room warm for when the babes come. Now, where is Onnen?”

“Perhaps…” I said, gritting my teeth. “Perhaps another rider should be sent to the priestess. And to the village midwife, in case Onnen and the priestesses of Brigantia are away.”

“Yes, I will see to it now,” Hilda said, then hurried off.

“Carti?” Eddin said, eyeing me nervously.

“You must relax, King Eddin,” Fabius told Eddin as he sipped his mead. “The queen is already under enough duress. Given your close connection, I’m sure seeing you anxious is only making her more stressed. Shall I juggle something to entertain you, my queen?”

“Knives,” I replied, pausing to give Fabius a knowing look.

He winked at me then chuckled. “Macabre, woman.”

I laughed but then winced. “Aye, gods, will they punch through my lower back?” I asked, pressing my fists into the small of my back.

“Sit,” Eddin said gently, taking my hand and leading me to a stool. He came then and sat behind me. “Take some deep breaths. Let me see if I can help,” he told me, then rubbed my back.

I closed my eyes, trying to push away the pain, breathing deeply as Eddin worked. His strong hands rubbed my aching back, stemming some of the pressure.

After a time, he asked, “Better?”

I nodded.

“What will you name your children, Carti? Any ideas?”

“Fabius and Fabula,” Fabius said absently as he sipped his drink.

“Oh, did you want Mael Muire to murder you? If you think I’m scary, wait until you meet her,” I told him, then turned back to Eddin. “Many ideas. No good ones.”

“Soon, you will learn if it is boys or girls. Or one of each. What do you prefer?”

“I prefer them to get out.”

Eddin laughed. “That is an inevitability.”

Fabius rose. “I will go and make an offering to Juno for a safe birth, great queen,” he told me. “She will see you through.”

“Sneaking off to get away from my griping?”


“Carti, did I ever tell you…” Eddin began and then began regaling me about…something. At some point, I realized Eddin was talking over several miscellaneous topics while intermittently rubbing my back, bringing me drinks, or simply walking me back and forth across the room. The truth was, I heard little of what he said, and Eddin seemed just as nervous as me.

Finally feeling exhausted, I lay down with Eddin’s help. He then went to the door and began speaking to someone.

From outside, I heard Conall’s voice.

“How long is the ride from Isurium Brigantum?” Eddin asked.

“A day,” Conall replied.

“I fear Prince Cormag will not make it on time. How long ago was the rider sent?”

“We sent word at once, but the way is still full of ice and snow, and care must be taken.”