We spent the afternoon together, eating, drinking, and feeling merry. After a time, the others excused themselves to visit the vendors in Rigodonum or take their rest, Fabius going to make ready for the night’s entertainment, leaving Eddin and me alone once more. We moved off to my workroom.

As we went, I found I was moving slowly, my groin and back aching.

“Are you well, Carti?” Eddin asked, looking at me worriedly as I pressed my fists into my back.

“Well, enough. My maid assures me it's normal for everything to hurt.”

Eddin frowned worriedly. “I have not seen Corva today.”

“She went to Mydils, but is quite delayed.”

We entered the workroom, Eddin pausing at the door to wave to a footman. “Have someone bring the queen honeyed herbs to drink.”

“Yes, King Eddin,” the boy said, then hurried off.

Eddin closed the door behind him. “I was sorry to hear of the passing of Ulixes. He was always kind to me, even as a boy.”

“Yes, we all mourned him. The young man he trained is doing well, but it is not the same.”

Eddin helped me sit and then moved a stool so I could put up my feet. He then took a seat beside me. Once more, we found ourselves in the same spots where Eddin had first professed his undying love for me, and I…I had chosen to smother what I felt rather than letting it overwhelm me. How different things were now.

Eddin gestured to my cheek. “What happened there?”

“At the Yule celebration. An attempt on my life.”


“An archer whose arrow found Cormag, who put himself between danger and me.”

“Is he all right?”

I nodded.

“Who was the assailant?”

“We don’t know. He was dead when Corva found him, his throat slit.”


“He had a pocket full of Parisii coins and a fighting man signet ring.”

Eddin scowled. “That is too easy.”

“Yes. We thought the same.”

“Then…who? Carvetti?”

“We do not have an answer, so I have not dared to hazard a guess.”

“But what do you think?”

“I think I have more than one enemy, and someone hates me enough to want me dead.”

“Don’t feel alone. We have heard whispers that some Carvetti would see me dead.”

“Then we are equally hated. How wonderful. I have very little use for Carvetti rumors. If you discover any substance to them, I will dispatch those who whisper.”

“Men grow bored in the winter and plot revenge, but when it is time to plow and plant, all is forgotten. Although, I do not think Venu will ever truly forgive or forget.”