We sat.
In truth, I was grateful for his presence. Having him there reminded me that I had lived once before Cormag. One day, too far from now to imagine, I could live again. Changed. Never whole. But it would not hurt as much…eventually. But at that moment, I didn’t mind the hurt. It reminded me of how much I had loved Cormag.
We sat in silence, drinking the wine.
Eventually, I felt it go to my head. The room began to spin, and I saw weird shapes in the corners of the room… No, not shapes. The little people of the hollow hills were there. Watching.
“They have come to mourn with us,” I said, gesturing to one corner of the room, realizing my voice was slurring.
“Who?” Venu asked.
“In the shadows,” I said, pointing. “You see their eyes? Everywhere in this fort, they lurk in the shadows, watching.”
Venu looked from the dark corner to me.
I lifted the bottle to pour once more but discovered it was empty. When I went to set it back down, it slipped from myfingers and rolled sideways. Venu caught it before it fell from the table. Setting the bottle upright, he then came for me.
“Let me help you to bed.”
“All right,” I said tiredly.
Venu bent, helping me from my seat. I felt like I could barely walk. When I leaned against him, I caught his familiar scents of soap and honey. The smells transported me to another moment when he was my love. That time, too, was now lost to me.
I moaned a little.
“It’s all right, Carti. I’ve got you,” Venu whispered.
“No. You have Alys,” I replied as Venu helped me to bed.
Venu did not reply. Helping me lie down and removing my slippers, he covered me. “Sleep, Cartimandua. Sleep. We will be here when our queen is ready. But for now, mourn and know you are loved,” he said, bending to kiss my head, then turned and left the room.
I listened as the door clicked closed.
The moment he was gone, I dissolved into tears.
Iwoke the following day to find Corva in my room preparing my things.
“Corva?” I asked groggily.
“I am sorry, Cartimandua, but they are gathering below. The chieftains must be made aware of the Roman advance.”
“Yes. You’re right,” I said, then rose slowly, my body aching.
The priestess attended to my belongings while I took a bath, making myself ready for the day. Finally redressing, I joined Corva, who handed me a note. “The Romans have landed in Cantiaci lands. It is as our messenger told us. The Cantiaci king is calling for aid.”
“And the Catuvellauni?”
“Regrouping. King Ord has pulled back south, but he has left men behind to keep the north in check.”
“And in Setantii lands?”
“Chieftain Maelgwn and his war band stayed behind at what is left of Bell’s Harbor to take control. He will see to the port and the ships. We must do what we can to keep trade going with Éire. Many Setantii traders fought with the Brigantes to protect their interests in Bell’s Harbor.”
“I will install a new chieftain.”
Corva nodded.