“My queen,” she said, touching my arm and meeting my gaze. “If you want anything, just say the word. We are here for you, Queen Cartimandua,” she told me, then departed.
I went to the bath. Stripping off my clothes, I sank into the hot water and sat, trying to let the pain melt away. I scrubbed my body and washed my hair, staying in the water until it grew cold. When I rose, I dried myself off, seeing the streaks of silver on my belly from my daughters.
A little moan wanted to escape my lips, but I held it in.
Pushing the thoughts aside, I made ready for the day. By the time I was done, the sun had risen once more. Steeling myself to the sympathetic looks that would come, I made my way from my chamber and went to my workroom. To my surprise, I found Corva asleep in a chair. She jumped when I entered.
“Cartimandua?” she said, sitting up. “I… Sorry, I was reading, and I fell asleep.”
I went to my desk and looked through the messages. “What news?”
Corva eyed me momentarily, assessing me, then began, “Chieftain Venutiux led the warriors. After the news of…our losses, our warriors—along with the Votadini and Dardani—fought like wolves, breaking the Setantii. The Setantii army split. Some retreated south with Lord Gregor, others took refuge in Bell’s Harbor. Our warband besieged the town but could not break their hold. A decision was made. Venutiux, Aedan, and the chieftains burned the city and slaughtered the Setantii. Aside from the docks, ancient Bell’s Harbor is in ashes.”
“They believe Ystradwel escaped by sea and went south to Northern Cornovii lands. Mael Muire’s and King Eddin’s forces are pushing south along with our warriors. King Ord has joined the fray, attacking King Aengus’s rear. That is the last I have heard. We wait, now, for the outcome.”
I looked through the messages, seeing what Corva spoke reflected there. Then, I paused, lifting a message from Gaul. I read it thrice before turning to Corva.
“Twenty thousand men?” I stared at the note once more. A man named Aulus Plautius had arrived in Gaul with his army. The number of ships more than doubled those brought by Caesar. “This is not a campaign. This is an invasion.”
“They were delayed making it to port by bad weather. We’ve had messengers, spies who’ve come to Rigodonum, all are reporting the same. Delayed or not, they are coming.”
“King Verica?”
“He is riding with General Plautius.”
“And, I imagine, smirking as he plans to retake his lands, not realizing—or not caring—what he has brought to this isle. What actions are being taken by my southern neighbors to prepare?”
“None, my queen. The Catuvellauni push east seemingly unaware. Their actions have everyone blind to the true danger.”
“Good. If Caratacus and Togodumnus learn we are about to be invaded, they will try to recall King Ord, and I need him. We must defeat Aengus before that happens. Send more eyes south. I want to know where the Romans land, who is with them, and the names of their leaders. Everything. Be quick and thorough. We failed to learn about the Setantii until it was too late. We cannot make the same mistake again.”
“I am sorry, Cartimandua. Had I learned the identity of your would-be assassin earlier, perhaps we would have realized the Setantii?—”
“There is no one to blame here but me.”
“Cartimandua, you cannot blame yourself. You?—”
“Where is Cormag’s body?” I asked, not wanting her to placate me. I knew where I had failed. I had lost the man I loved because I had trusted the wrong person. I would never forgivemyself, and I did not want anyone to tell me differently. My whole family was gone because of my choices.
“He… They brought him in while you were sleeping. Môd and the priestesses of the Cailleach have attended to him.”
“Where is he?”
“Below the fort. I can speak to Môd. The priestesses can prepare a site at the henges.”
“No. The Votadini burn their dead. I will wait for Mael Muire.”
“I understand. The body of Chieftain Andoc was taken home to his family.”
I nodded, feeling the wall within me heaving with pain, but I didn’t let it crack. I couldn’t. “I will see my husband,” I told her, then turned and left the room. Behind me, I heard Corva call for Kamden and Conall.
My hands shook. I held one with the other to keep them steady.
I had to protect the Brigantes.
I had failed my family.