“Then be done with it quickly and come home,” I told him with a grin.
Cormag huffed a laugh. “Do not start a war with Rome while I’m gone.”
“I’ll endeavor to do my best. Done,” I said, then stepped back.
Cormag put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me close again. “Think you will escape that easily,” he replied, kissing my neck.
“Keep that up, and I will leave Ystradwel to flounder an hour longer.”
Cormag chuckled and then kissed me again. I caught his comforting scents of elderberry and leather. His soft lips and the press of his warm body against mine made my head feel light and made flickers of light appear before my eyes.
“I will be home soon,” Cormag whispered in my ear.
Cormag kissed me on my forehead, and then we made our way downstairs and outside to the courtyard to where Damhan, Brodi, Venutiux, Aedan, and Andoc waited. Corva was there as well. She and Fabius watched as the men made ready.
“We will have Lord Gregor on the run soon, my queen,” Andoc told me.
“Not on the run. I’ll have him decorate my gates.”
“Our queen likes trophies, or did you forget?” Aedan told Andoc, who laughed.
“What can I say? I’m still a princess at heart who enjoys her shiny baubles.”
“A Brigantes princess. We will do what we can for you, Cartimandua,” Andoc said with a laugh.
“Be careful. All of you,” I told them, my gaze going to Venutiux, who had already turned and was mounting his horse.
Walking with Cormag, I held Shade’s reins as he mounted.
Cormag looked down at Fergus. “I suppose you’re staying here?”
The dog wagged his tail.
Cormag shook his head.
“Embarrassing, Votadini,” Brodi called to Fergus.
Beef and Scratch, however, looked ready to ride out with their masters.
“Be safe,” I told the Votadini men, who had decorated their faces for war.
The men bowed in their saddles to me.
I turned to Cormag once more. “Come home soon,” I told him. “I love you.”
Cormag set his hand on his heart. “I love you too, my blackthorn queen.” He signaled to the others that he was ready, and then they rode off.
Corva, Fabius, and I stood watching as they went.
My eyes followed Cormag as he rode out of the gates of the old fort and disappeared into the crowded streets beyond. I saw him one last time, the sun shining on his black hair, as he rode out of Rigodonum.
A sharp feeling made my stomach knot. I winced, setting my hand on my waist.
“Cartimandua?” Fabius asked, reaching for me.
I waved to him that it was nothing.