“I don’t expect to be gone for long.”

“Very well, my queen.”

With that, I whistled to Fergus, and the pair of us departed.

I made my way downstairs, meeting Kamden along the way. I pulled a sack of silver from my vest and handed it to him. “See to the textile merchant. Tell him I’ll have as much of that purple cloth as he can find.”

Kamden’s eyes widened at the amount but nodded. “Very well, my queen.”

Fabius, who had just joined us, eyed the coin pouch. “Queen Cartimandua, I never took you for one who cared foralta consutura.Did I hear right? All of that for cloth?”

“Our queen is finally in luck. Purple fabric is finally to be found in Gaul. I’ll see to it right away,” Kamden said, then hurried off.

Fabius paused a moment as he considered, then turned and looked at me. “Not very bright, is he?”

I frowned at Fabius.

“What do you know so far?” Fabius asked.

“Only that they are on the move.”

Fabius pursed his lips and then nodded. “Very well. Then let’s make plans as we ride.”

I eyed Fabius’s clothing. “After you go and put on your riding boots,” I said, eyeing his wool-lined booties, which were perfect for lounging about the fort and drinking wine but not for riding.

“I’m not the one walking in the mud. The horse is.”

“I’ll remind you of that when the Parisii ambush us and we’re running for our lives.”

Fabius laughed. “That won’t happen.”

I gave him a stony glance.

“That won’t happen, right?”

“I’ll be waiting outside.”

“Queen Cartimandua?”

I turned and walked away.


I swallowed my snicker.

“You are not funny,” Fabius called to me, then, with a huff, he turned and went back upstairs.

Outside, I found Conall with a contingent of guards.

“I’ve assigned others to manage the rebuilding of the walls and to oversee the repairs in the town. I will ride with you,” Conall told me.

“Very good.”

“Do we need more men, Cartimandua?”

I looked about, seeing the dozen warriors that had gathered there. They were all strong men, but I regretted the absence of Corva and Cormag.

“We are enough, save we are missing one Roman, who will be along in a moment.”