Madelaine wrapped her arm around me and kissed me on the cheek. “My dear.”
I smiled at her then turned to Banquo.
He lifted his cup to toast me.
I grinned at him.
“We’ll be setting sail this morning,” Thorfinn told me. “Much work to be done in the north, and I don’t want Injibjorg to get used to southern luxuries,” he said, patting his wife on the back of her head.
She laughed. “Southern luxuries?” She glanced down the table at the richly-dressed lords and ladies sitting there. “Some of the men dress like women here.”
We all laughed. She was right. But her observation was also an important one. Many of the southern lords were dressed in such a manner to show there was great wealth in their lands. How had they come by it? What trade or deals had they won to earn it? And why hadn’t any of that wealth come north? That was something Macbeth and I needed to know.
“I’m sorry I can’t go with you,” Macbeth told Thorfinn. “But Gruoch and I will depart for Glamis within the week.”
“I will go with Fife for a time and join you after,” I said absently.
There was a brief, awkward silence.
“Of course,” Macbeth chirped. “I meant you’d join me in Glamis afterward. Naturally, since we are in the south, you will spend time with Madelaine. But you will always be welcome at court, Lady Madelaine,” Macbeth said. “I suspect Gruoch would appreciate having you there.”
“To herd the chattel,” Injibjorg said, motioning down the table.
I laughed then turned to Thorfinn. “All these years you bragged of Injibjorg’s beauty. You didn’t tell us that the gods had cut her tongue to match yours.”
“Why do you think I found her so beautiful?” Thorfinn said, laughing merrily.
I raised my cup. “Then a toast. To a perfect match.”
The others around me raised their cups.
“To Thorfinn and Injibjorg,” I said.
“To Thorfinn and Injibjorg,” the others called.
I lifted my cup and drank, fully aware that Macbeth’s eyes were on me—as were Banquo’s. The sooner I got out of this place, the better.
The Northmen packed their belongings after the morning meal and got ready to return to their ships. We all joined them in the courtyard to wish them farewell.
I kissed Injibjorg on both cheeks. “I wish you safe travels.”
“May Freya watch over you and your little one,” she told me.
“Thank you.” I squeezed her hand then let her go. I then went to Thorfinn. “I am sorry to see you leave so soon, but I understand there is much to be done.”
Thorfinn nodded. “Things are not as settled for Magnus as they should be, but I will make sure things stay quiet in the north for you, Queen Gruoch.”
I grinned at him. “I expected no less.”
He leaned forward, his voice low. “Gruoch, you must be watchful. The paint covering the surface is already beginning to crack. Don’t get too far away or we may lose everything we’ve worked for,” he said then passed a glance toward Macbeth who was speaking to another of the Northmen.
“I understand.”
Thorfinn nodded.
“Safe travels, all of you,” I called then stepped back.
“Brother,” Banquo called to Thorfinn. “Fair travels.”