Page 25 of Highland Queen

“Tavis rode south just after the war. He…he’s not in Fife?”

The color drained from Madelaine’s face. “No. He’s not here? He didn’t ride with you?”

“No,” I said, a terrible feeling of dread washing over me.

Madelaine covered her mouth with her hands. “Corbie, he never returned,” she whispered.

I went to the door.

“My lady,” Killian said, coming to attention the moment I opened the door.

“I need to speak to the Thane of Lochaber at once.”

“I will see to it, my lady,” Killian said. He signaled another guard to take his place then headed down the hallway, moving quickly.

I shut the door behind me then turned and looked at Madelaine.

“Oh, Great Mother, what if something’s happened?” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes.

“Don’t think like that. Surely, you would have felt it. Banquo will come. He will be able to see. We will ask him to search for Tavis the old way.”

Madelaine sat down on the corner of my bed. All the mirth that had surrounded her had deflated.

“Maybe he found some good hunting. Or perhaps he missed you and Fife and is on his way now,” I said, but even as I spoke the words, I knew they weren’t true. I could feel Tavis, just on the edge of my awareness, and all was not well.

“I hope so,” Madelaine whispered. “Oh, Corbie.”

I sat beside her, wrapping my arms around her. “We’ll pray to the Goddess for his safe return.”

“May she listen well to our words.”

Banquo arrived within the hour, a worried expression on his face.

“Gruoch? What is it? I was in the field with the men when one your guards came,” he said then paused, looking toward Madelaine. “Lady Madelaine,” he said, giving her a short bow.

“Tavis did not return to Fife,” I told Banquo.

I could see him turning my words around in his mind then he nodded. He pulled his dagger from his belt.

“Lady Madelaine,” he said, turning to her. “I need a lock of your hair.”

Madelaine took the dagger from Banquo’s hand then cut a red curl, which she handed to Banquo.

Banquo nodded to me then went before the fire. Kneeling, he poured some water into the cauldron. He then dug into his vest and pulled out a small pouch. From within, he withdrew some herbs and berries. He dropped them into the water as he whispered quiet words. He pulled other herbs from a pouch hanging on his belt. He tossed these onto the flame. The room filled with heady sage and the sweet scent of herbs. Madelaine and I stood behind him, watching him as he worked.

I could feel the energy around me shift and move. The light streaming through the window bent oddly, scattering at strange angles, the shadows twisting. When I narrowed my gaze and looked at Banquo with my ravens’s eyes, I saw the green glow that often surrounded him.

Banquo whispered under his breath then tossed Madelaine’s hair onto the fire.

The scent of burnt hair filled the room. I felt dizzy. I reached out for Madelaine, so I wouldn’t swoon.

Banquo stilled and looked into the water.

After a moment, he winced and clutched his side.

Madelaine moved to go to him, but I held her back.

Banquo shuddered then lifted his hands, covering his eyes. I could hear him whispering but couldn’t make out his words.