The attendant nodded. “Down the hall, two rights, then on the left. But he is not there at the moment. He’s retired to his chamber to take some rest.”
Of course. “I see.”
“The envoy,” the man said, motioning to Suthen’s men.
I nodded. “Thank you.”
At that, the attendant left.
Rising, I went to the men.
“Gentlemen, please come and take a seat by the fire,” I said.
At that, Gordon, who’d been standing nearby, still uncertain about what he should be doing, leaped into action. Working quickly, he moved other seats near the hearth. When he caught my eye, he smiled.
“Lady Gruoch, it is good of you to see us. I am Wattles, special counselor to Que—Lady Suthen. My companions, Sir Lamont and Lord Billingsly,” he said, motioning to the others.
“Please, gentlemen, take your rest. I apologize for the delay, we’ve only just arrived.”
“Yes, my lady,” Sir Lamont said. I heard the tone of annoyance in his voice. He eyed me over, glancing at my armor with disgust on his face.
I set my hand on the hilt of Uald’s Gift.
The move caught the man’s attention.
Sir Lamont, who was undoubtedly part of Lord Siward’s entourage, met my gaze. I held his glance until he looked away.
“Kind of you, so kind of you,” Lord Billingsly said as he took his seat.
I motioned for the others to sit. I also took my seat near the fire. Killian and three other guards took positions not far from me. I cast a glance around the room. Both doors were now guarded, and the rest of the men were stationed around the hall. No matter how Sir Lamont felt about me, he undoubtedly would not tempt steel.
“My lady,” Wattles began, “Lady Suthen implored us to come to Scone to appeal to you directly. War is fought between men. Mothers cherish something quite different. Young Malcolm is with his mother, but Donaldbane…” he said then paused, waiting to see what I already knew.
“He’s not with his mother as well?” I asked, the lie making my mouth feel dry.
“No, my lady. Perhaps you don’t know. Young Donaldbane showed an interest in godly things. He was in Iona studying with the holy brothers. He was abducted from Iona by the Irish king. Lady Suthen has sent us to ask for your help in getting her son back.”
I raised an eyebrow then turned to the fire. “And why doesn’t Earl Siward send an envoy? Perhaps Harthacnut can be of help.”
Sir Lamont exhaled heavily but said nothing.
“The Irish king has no interest in what Suthen has to offer. And Earl Siward…. To be frank, my lady, Earl Siward is not presently in a position to be of use to the Irish king. Whereas, you….” Lord Billingsly opened his hands wide to indicate the matter was obvious.
“Lady Suthen spoke highly of you, Lady Gruoch,” Wattles said. “She asked me to send her personal pleas, one mother to another, with a soft reminder that Donaldbane is your second cousin.”
I nodded then considered their words. I had no doubt that Suthen worried for her son, but there were other cards being played here. If I delivered Donaldbane to Suthen, I might as well cut Lulach’s throat. But if I rescued him and fostered the boy myself, then Suthen’s son would be raised as an ally to Lulach. Suthen wanted her son safe, but there were many different kinds of safety. One way or another, she would see one of her two boys close to the throne. Suthen knew that if I fostered Donaldbane, he would still have a chance even if Siward never managed to topple Macbeth and me.
“Please assure Lady Suthen that I will do my best to see to Donaldbane’s safe return. I understand her well and will do what I can. Tell Lady Suthen that I will send word as soon as I have news of her son.”
“I wish all troubles could be handled with such ease and grace,” Wattles said.
Lord Billingsly nodded vigorously in agreement.
Sir Lamont continued to look dour.
“Well, perhaps if we had more queens ruling, they would be,” I said. “My men will see you out.”
At that, Wattles and Lord Billingsly rose, both of them bowing to me. Sir Lamont gave the briefest of nods then turned to go. The Moray men escorted them back to the door. I stood and watched as the gentlemen were escorted down the hall and away from the meeting room.