“Not here? Then, where?”
“Not here, and not coming. Shall we?” I said, motioning to the field.
“But Lulach must come. He must ride south with us.”
I turned the blood bay and moved my horse alongside Macbeth. The bay snorted and stepped high, making the steed Macbeth rode shy sideways. Macbeth tightened his reins, controlling his nervous animal. I leaned toward Macbeth. “Lulach is not here, and he is not coming. You will not ask about my son again. Ride south, Macbeth.”
“Gruoch,” Macbeth whispered.
Tapping the bay, I rode to the front of the army, the men of Moray behind me.
Banquo, who had organized the line, called for the army to advance.
Whatever Macbeth thought was going to come next, he was very, very wrong.