Page 52 of Highland Queen

A moment later, Druanne reappeared, bags and boxes in hand. “I’m ready.”

I nodded to her then the three of us went to join Uald who was leading the horses. I took the reins of Uald’s steed, so she could mount.

“My man’s name is Killian,” I told Uald. “He is a loyal man. Ask him to take you to the keep. Please reassure him that I am safe here.”

Uald nodded.

I took Druanne’s things, so she could get on. As she settled in, I secured her bags and cases. “Thank you, Druanne.”

“Who am I to say no to the Queen of Scotland?” she said then turned her horse and headed toward the coven exit.

Uald shook her head then followed Druanne into the night.

Wordlessly, Aridmis and I watched them go.

I cast a glance around the coven. It was so quiet. It seemed to me some of the buildings had fallen into disrepair. Everything looked run down.

“What do your raven eyes see?” Aridmis whispered.

“I don’t know.”

“Decay. Decline.”


“You must prepare yourself. As do we.”

“For what?”

Aridmis took my hand and led me to Epona’s house. Moving quietly, we went inside.

The light from the hearth made the place glow a soft orange color. Someone stirred in one of the rooms in the back. And a moment later, a shadow appeared in the eating area—but it wasn’t a person.

It was a dog.

A black puppy.


The dog wagged her tail then walked over to me.

No, this wasn’t Thora. This pup had a spot of white just above her eye. I recognized the puppy. She wasn’t Thora, but she was one of the pups from Thora’s litter. Eochaid had done as I’d asked and delivered the puppy for me.

“Well, grand-dog-daughter, how do you fare?” I whispered, patting the dog on her head.

“She appeared in the coven not long ago. Uald swore she looked just like your dog. But Sid…Sid knew,” Aridmis said.

The puppy licked my face then went and lay down in front of the fire.

Aridmis lit a taper, and we headed to the back of the house where Epona slept.

At first, I was confused. In Epona’s bed was a woman whose advanced age put me in mind of Andraste. The woman had white hair tinged yellow. Her face was deeply lined and marred by age. She looked old and frail under her heavy blanket.

She sighed in her sleep.

It was then that I realized that the woman was Epona.

“Aridmis,” I whispered.