Page 158 of Highland Queen

We stared at one another.

“Come,” she said. “Come and see.” Her hand danced over the cauldron.

Reluctantly, I came and stood beside her. I looked into the cauldron then watched events unfold at great speed. I saw Lulach and Fleance on the field, overtaking Siward’s army. The Northumbrian forces retreated after the attack on Dunsinane. Lulach and Fleance won the day, repelling the invaders once more.

I saw Macbeth laid to rest on the Isle of Iona.

Gripping the side of the cauldron, I watched Lulach go to Scone, the ancient crown of Moray placed on his head as he sat on the stone of destiny and was declared King of Scotland.

The Morrigu waved her hand over the surface of the cauldron. I saw the coven. There, under the limbs of a tall oak, I saw Fleance lean in and place a soft kiss on Crearwy’s lips. Blood dripped from their entwined hands where they had made their handfasting cuts.

Again, the Red Lady touched the surface of the cauldron. I saw Lulach at Dunsinane, but shadows surrounded him. Dark, evil things whispered in the corners. In the hallways, in the stairwells, I saw men talk behind my son. I saw coin change hand. Men rode away from Dunsinane to Northumbria where a fair-haired man who looked much like my father stared out the window, his angry blue eyes bent on the north.

“Prince Malcolm,” one of the shadowy men whispered. “It is arranged.”

The Morrigu touched the surface of the cauldron, and the images disappeared. “You once told me that Lulach was not beholden to me or anyone else. That his fate was his own. But is it? Has Lulach carved out his own destiny as he willed it, as he wishes?” the Morrigu aked.

I glared at her. “Of course he has.”

She touched the surface of the cauldron once more, revealing Lulach. He was alone in Birnam Wood. He had come to a ring of standing stones. He wove through them, touching each stone as he passed.

“A different world. A different life. I would give it all away in service of you.”

I covered my hand with my mouth.

“Lulach,” I whispered, reaching out to touch his reflection.

He paused. “Mother?”

I looked at the Morrigu.

With a wave of her hand, the boundaries between the words faded. I saw Lulach before me, standing between the stones. He stared at the Morrigu and me.

“My lady,” he said, inclining his head to her. He looked at me. “Mother…are you alive?”

“Yes, my son.”

“I am king now.”

I could feel the Morrigu turn and look at me. I didn’t give her the satisfaction of returning her gaze.

“Lulach, you are in great danger,” I told him.

He nodded. “I know. They will try to murder me. But isn’t it a beautiful day?” he said, motioning to the forest around him.


My heart beat hard in my chest. I could hear Lulach’s thoughts, I could read his heart. He didn’t want any of this. He didn’t want to be king. He wanted a life of service; he wanted a life with the gods. I had guided his fate. I had led him down a path of my choosing. I had picked Lulach to be king. I had not hidden him as I had Crearwy. I had forced this gentle soul into the world of men. I had seen to it that there was a crown placed on his head. For what? I had sacrificed everything; I had given up everything to secure a destiny for Lulach that he didn’t want.

I turned to the Morrigu.

“It is not an easy thing to guide people to their fate,” she told me. “But you will learn,” she said. Much to my surprise, she handed me the crown of Moray.

Taking the crown, I stepped through the gateway into the world.

The warm summer sun shone down on my face. I heard the birds call, and a soft wind swept across the forest, carrying with it the perfume of flowers, ferns, and leaves.

I closed my eyes. “I need you now,” I whispered.