Page 156 of Highland Queen

Bending, Madelaine grabbed a sword off a fallen soldier, and we raced down the hallway. I stopped only long enough to grab Scáthach, and we rushed on. The corridors in this part of the castle were dark, winding, and confusing to strangers. I heard the sound of metal as soldiers rushed about the place. I turned a corner, but Madelaine let out a yelp.

“Stop,” a soldier called, grabbing Madelaine by the arm.

But he hadn’t seen the sword.

Madelaine thrust the weapon in the man’s gut.

He groaned and fell.

Pulling out her weapon, she nodded to me.

We passed the ancient hall then followed the steps down to the caves once more. Again, my raven eyes led me.

“Corbie, I can’t see anything,” Madelaine whispered.

“We will walk between the worlds. Take my hand,” I told her then we stepped into the deep, dark passages. We wound through the twisting halls. The sound of men and fighting receded. The air grew cold. I could smell minerals and loam. Not long after, I spotted blue fire ahead of me. Leading Madelaine, we stepped into Ynes Verleath.