When we reached the chamber, we went to one of the empty altars and lay Andraste down. Nimue gently folded Andraste’s arms across her body.
“Cerridwen, what are we going to do now?” Nimue asked, but my thoughts were distracted.
In the distance, coming from one of the caves, I heard the strangest whisper. Soft voices spoke.
Cerridwen, come. The forest is awake. The forest is alive with fire.
Light flickered in one of the caves, and I recognized the silver etching on the cave walls. It was the tunnel that led to Dunsinane.
“Nimue,” I whispered.
“I hear it too. Go, Cerridwen.”
“But Banquo and Aelith,” I said, hesitating.
“Return to us when the hurly-burly is done. We will wait for you. I will watch over them.”
I headed toward the cave. Taking a torch from the wall, I stepped inside the tunnel once more and set off to return to Dunsinane.