Page 151 of Highland Queen

A moment later, I felt a rush of air. Nimue appeared with Aelith at her side.

“Father,” Aelith cried, rushing to Banquo.

Disbelieving and in shock, Banquo stared at me.

“May all the gods be silent,” Nimue whispered, her hands covering her mouth. She stared at Andraste.

I swallowed hard then closed my eyes. I tried to push away the raven, to send it back from whence it had come. But when I did so, I was met with resistance. There was no separation between it and me. There was only we.

Aelith let out a little whimper.

“It’s all right, my girl,” Banquo told her, reaching out to touch her cheek. “It’s all right. We’re safe now,” he said.

“Say a prayer for this lady. Give your sorrow words,” I said, motioning to Andraste. “She has sacrificed herself to save your father’s life. May she be reborn into a better world.” I reached out and closed Andraste’s eyes.

Aelith nodded and began whispering.

A tear trickled down her cheek.

I reached out to wipe it off then hesitated.

Pulling off my gloves, I stared at my hands.

There was nothing there. The spots were gone.

I wiped away my daughter’s tear with one hand then took Banquo’s hand into the other.

“Cerridwen?” Banquo whispered.

“What’s done cannot be undone,” I said then gazed at Andraste’s still form.

Thank you, Andraste.