Angus trotted along at Lulach’s side, but Thor rushed ahead. Over the years, the dog had grown larger than Thora. But time had passed for him as well. He had silver hairs on his maw. Regardless, he wagged his tail in excitement.
I eyed Lulach’s party. There were no druids amongst his men. The men there were all from Moray.
“Mother,” Lulach said, bending to kiss me on both cheeks. “Well met.”
I smiled up at him. “It is good to see you, my son. You’ve ridden from Moray?”
Lulach smiled. “Yes. I wanted to surprise you. And to talk.”
“Of course.”
“Corbie,” Fleance said, embracing me. “You’ve shrunk.”
I laughed. “I have not. Look at the two of you,” I said, shaking my head as I studied them. They were both men now. “You’ve both shot up like trees.”
“How like your father you are,” Madelaine told Lulach, touching his cheek gently.
“Lady Madelaine,” he said, taking her hand and placing a kiss thereon.
He smiled at her, but his brow wrinkled as he looked her over. In truth, the years that had passed had aged Madelaine as well. Her red hair had dulled to white. Lines had formed across her brow. Her croning had come upon her. I had fared little better. I was well aware that my once raven-black tresses were trimmed with silver. I sometimes wondered what Banquo would make of his aging bride. Pushing the thoughts away, I turned to Lulach and Fleance.
“Come,” I said, motioning to the boys. “You will be road-weary. My servants will see to the men of Moray,” I said then turned to the party. “Well met, lads,” I called to them, waving brightly. “We shall feast tonight!”
At that, the men of Moray cheered.
Taking Lulach’s arm, I led them to my council chamber. Madelaine sent a servant to fetch refreshments then we all sat by the fire.
Lulach eyed the room, looking at the shelves lined with scrolls and ledgers. “This is your workroom?”
I nodded. “Yes.”
“Where is the king?” Lulach asked.
Madelaine and I exchanged a glance.
“We can see him later, if you wish,” I told Lulach.
“We were in Lochaber before we came here,” Fleance told me. “You would not believe Aelith. Jarl Thorfinn sent her a stout little Shetland pony. How wildly she rides. Like demons, the pair of them.”
I chuckled. “Wildly, but safely, I hope.”
“Father never lets her get too far away,” Fleance reassured me.
I smiled, imagining the sight. But like always, any time I thought of Aelith, my heart broke a little.
“So, you were in Lochaber?” Madelaine said, recovering for me. “Then to Moray?”
Lulach nodded. “Fleance and I completed our service to the gods. We decided it was time to return to our duties.”
“More like the gods decided, and Balor tossed us out,” Fleance said with a laugh.
Lulach smiled lightly. “Yes, that’s more accurate. I wanted to talk to you, Mother. I want—if it pleases you—to take up residence and begin to govern Moray from Cawdor.”
“It more than pleases me, my son. My heart is full of joy to imagine you continuing your father’s work.”
“We saw Tira and Rhona in Moray,” Fleance told me. “Rhona is still at the castle, but Tira returned home. She came to see us. They both send their love.”
I smiled when I thought of them.