Page 125 of Highland Queen

“And where is the thane?”

“He is very ill. I went to see him before riding here.”

“Will he recover?”

“Yes, but he is much weakened.”


“And you, Macbeth. How are you?” I eyed him over. Once more, he looked sleepless and agitated. When I had first met him, he had the cut of a soldier. Now he looked thin and weak.

Macbeth frowned. “I… You will not need to go to Ireland.”

“So I’ve heard.”

“Echmarach and Thorfinn reclaimed some of the lands stolen from Echmarach. We have had success there.”

“And Donaldbane?”

Macbeth didn’t answer.

“And Donaldbane?” I asked again, my voice growing dark.

“I don’t know. Our operatives never returned, and the Irish king has ceased all communication.”

“Of course he has.”

Macbeth blew air through his teeth then roughly ran his fingers through his hair.

“It is no matter. It’s done now. What plans have you made for Crinian and Siward?” I asked.

At that, Macbeth grinned, a wild gleam in his eyes. “Many, many plans.” He gripped the stone wall hard and rocked back and forth.

“We should go in and discuss,” I said, motioning to the castle.

Still smiling, Macbeth stared out onto the horizon. He didn’t move.

“Macbeth,” I said gently. “I haven’t seen the finished castle. Let’s go inside. You can show me Dunsinane.”

He turned to me. His eyes searched my face. “You came back.”


“Come, let me show you,” he said. Motioning for me to follow him, his footsteps hurried, we headed back inside.

I turned and looked behind me, unsurprised to find Killian there.

He nodded for me to go on. He followed just behind us.

With a heavy sigh, I trailed the mad king.