Page 109 of Highland Queen

I glanced around the room.

I didn’t feel Merna’s presence there, but all the same, I felt like I was intruding. I exited the space. Retracing my steps, I found the stairs leading to the second floor. I worked my way down the hall, looking here and there, familiarizing myself with the castle. Morag was right. It was a small citadel, but it was warm and cheerful.

I had just arrived on the balcony overlooking the second floor when Banquo entered.

In that single moment, my breath caught in my throat. If we had gotten married from the start, would I have been lady here? How many times would I have come to this balcony to welcome my husband? Lochaber, rather than Moray, would have become my home. It was a beautiful country with tall mountains, dense forests, and lochs.

I smiled at Banquo.

He returned the gesture. His expression told me he shared my thoughts.

Maybe everything had been delayed.

Maybe a life with Banquo had seemed impossible.

But here I was.

At last.

At last.
