Page 102 of Highland Queen

Thora barked lightly then licked my face. I ruffled her ears then pressed my head against hers. “I’m glad to see you too.”

Stretching my back, I walked through the gates, following the others into the yard.

“My lady,” Standish called, crossing the lawn to meet me.

I smiled happily. “Standish.”

Standish kissed me on both cheeks. “How well you look, Lady Gruoch. Red in your cheeks and all.”

“I am very well. And you?”

“We’ve managed quite well. I dare say, we appreciated the financial support you sent to Cawdor. I could finally afford to get some repairs to the castle done. And we made some improvements in Nairn, as you requested.”

“It’s about time Moray received some support from the crown.”

“Indeed. Now, your old chamber is ready—Morag saw to that—and we’ve prepared a feast for your homecoming.”

I watched as the grooms led the horses to the stables. “Thank you, Standish,” I said, patting his arm.

Standish smiled then looked down at Thora. “Finally got up, did you? She’s been lying by the fire since you left. I think she’s finally feeling her age, my lady.”

“Aren’t we all?” I said with a laugh that Standish joined.

Motioning to Thora, I left Standish and went in the direction of the stables. The grooms bowed to me as I passed. Thora trotted ahead to Kelpie’s stable.

“What, are you sleeping, old man?” I called to Kelpie who didn’t seem to notice I had come. Usually, he kicked and whinnied the moment he caught my scent.

Drowsily, Kelpie turned and looked at me. He whinnied softly.

“Oh, my dear, how are you?” I asked, patting his ears.

“Lady Gruoch,” a voice called.

I turned to see the groom who had treated Kelpie after the war.

“How is my boy?” I asked.

“Well, my lady. Well, but tired. He sleeps a lot.”

“Ah, so everyone is lying around in my absence,” I said, patting Thora on the head. But the truth was, both Kelpie and Thora were well beyond their prime. The war, it seemed, had taken a lot out of them. “And his wound?”

“Healed, but he limps on the leg and favors the others instead.”

I patted Kelpie on his nose then pressed my forehead against his. Sorrow filled my heart. “My old friend,” I whispered then turned to the groom. “Thank you for taking good care of him. I’ll be back again soon,” I told Kelpie then motioned to Thora. We headed back toward the castle. As I crossed the yard, I was greeted with bows, curtsies, smiles, and wishes of welcome. I exhaled deeply then gazed up at the castle.

“Gillacoemgain, I’m home.”