Tuxedoed wait staff slipped between the small openings with plates of food.
Victoria walked around to my side of the table and pulled out my chair. Once I was sitting, she pushed it in and went back to her own seat. But for her, the hostess did the same.
“Thank you.” She nodded.
We settled into our blush chairs and took a look at the one page menu for the night.
After a second, I laughed. “How do you have so many fancy secret restaurants to go to?”
Vic smirked. “Everyone wants me to spend my money. And I like to spoil my woman.”
“Of course.” Turning back to the menu, I selected a steak from the menu. Before we could get bored, the waiter came over and took our orders.
Everything moved so smoothly, I barely had to speak a word.
Finally at the table alone, Vic let out a sigh. “So, Sarah. After the lake house, what’s next for you?”
I clicked my tongue, unsure what the answer was myself. “Well, the kids will be back in school so I’ll have a little more time for myself…”
A buzz from my clutch took my attention.
“Sorry, let me just make sure this isn’t the kids.” I pulled the phone out of my purse and saw a call from Jason. My forehead wrinkled, “Shit.”
Sensing my concern, Victoria waved her hand. “Take it.”
My finger slid across the screen as I answered. “Everything okay?”
Through the phone, Jason spoke, “Hey. Don’t panic, everything is fine. Your sister had to go to the hospital. She started having contractions.”
“Oh my god.” My heart started pounding.
“Before you ask, I’m already there with the kids.” Jason paused. “Everyone’s okay but we thought you’d want to know.”
My eyes flicked up to Victoria, whose face was scrunched up with concern. I shrugged to her. “My sister might be in labor.”
Vic waved over the waiter and started making moves. Once she spoke to the waiter, she pulled out her own phone and sent a couple texts.
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” I gritted my teeth as I tried to calculate how quickly I could be there. With a brief goodbye, I hung up the phone. Sliding the device back into my purse, Vic was already standing and pulling out my chair.
Shaking my head, I rested my hand on Vic’s forearm. “I’m so sorry.”
Vic laughed, walking us to the elevator and thanking all of the staff. “Don’t apologize, it’s an emergency. I’ve already called a car and Hughes is firing up the helicopter.”
My shoulders dropped immediately. The relief of knowing there was another adult in the room was enough to make my heart skip a beat. Without question, Vic had figured out exactly what needed to happen to get me to the hospital.
Once the elevator doors closed, I pulled Vic toward me and into a kiss. Our lips pressed together, my body wanting to pick up where we left off in the gallery. But the doors were swinging open before I could get carried away.
Vic held my hand as we sped through the lobby of this amazing high rise. As soon as we pushed through the lobby doors, a black, SUV honked at us.
Jogging ahead, Vic swung open the back passenger door. My heels clicked against the concrete as I heaved myself into the car. As soon as Vic closed the back door, the driver peeled off toward the helipad.
Within a few minutes, Vic and I were riding up another elevator to the helicopter. As soon as we were in that fancy hallway again, I could hear the engine roaring and the blades spinning. When I pushed open the door to the rooftop, my body wanted to flinch away and hide from the twirling blades.
But instead, Victoria ducked me down and jogged us toward the helicopter. As we got closer, I could hear the engine firing up; ready to take off as soon as we climbed inside.
I took my place on the beige leather and buckled myself in, this time throwing on the headphones as soon as I sat.
Vic closed the door behind us and sat close to me, the aircraft lifting off the concrete immediately. Maybe I was too nervous to care, or maybe I was just getting used to such an extravagant ride, but my stomach didn’t drop this time.