Page 52 of In the Works

“Thank you. You’re sure you’re okay with it?” I bit my lip, nervous she would change her mind.

With a smile, Bri kissed my cheek. “Yep. I’m just going to win. So, enjoy your time with her.”

I rolled my eyes. “Brianne Shaw, you are a ridiculous person.”

“A ridiculous person who’s been obsessed with you since the first time I laid eyes on you.” She winked back at me and helped me hop off the table.

There was no denying that it was well built. Even without the finishing touches, it felt like it could weather a tornado no problem. Once I was back on my feet, I put my arms around Bri’s waist. “That’s a long time.”

Taking in a deep breath, Bri shrugged. “It was worth every second.”

I pulled her in for a kiss, our lips fitting together perfectly. My heart skipped a beat as I squeezed her ass.

Bri giggled before pulling away and walking across the shop. “Before I kick you out, I did want to ask: can I take you on a proper date? Something a little more formal than pizza at your house?”

The thought of our first tryst made me blush. But it would be nice to be out in the real world with Bri. I hated having to squeeze her into the small free hours I had.

Waving me off, Bri lifted her finger. “Not that I don’t love seeing you whenever you have time for me. I just want to spoil you.” I could see the gears turning in her brain as she tried desperately not to blow her shot.

I leaned on one of the workbenches. “You’re very cute when you’re overexplaining.”

Bri rubbed the back of her neck, a nervousness washing over her face.

“But yes. I’d love that. I’ll send you my schedule for the next few days.” Crossing the room, I placed a kiss on her cheek. “Also, you couldn’t kick me out if you wanted to.”

She rolled her eyes, gripping my neck as she brought her lips to mine. “That is probably true, Sarah Greenwood. I think I’d follow you into a black hole.”

Our lips pressed together as my eyes closed. I felt the corners welling with a tear at the thought. I wasn’t quite sure what I’d done to deserve such a dedicated friend and now lover. But I wasn’t interested in playing with Bri’s heart. I’d already done that plenty over the years.

My lips peeled away from hers with a gentle smack. “Okay. I’m going to let you get back to work.”

“Thank you,” her voice was hardly even a whisper as she watched me turn to leave. As I walked away, I felt a string tie around my heart and latch onto hers. Even as I closed the dinky metal door, I felt the rope tug on my chest.

I wasn’t sure that cord would ever be cut. But I needed to figure out what the fuck I was doing before someone got hurt.



I bitmy lip as I watched Derek step up to home plate. His bat was starting to fit his proportions, growing faster than I ever could have imagined.

“Come on, Der! You got this!” Robin clapped from beside me.

It startled me out of the haze Bri had put me a few days earlier. The summer was flying by, baseball games and pool days blending into work meetings and dates with my two very hot ladies.

Zoey shook her head at Robin’s enthusiasm. “I just can’t imagine how much crazier you’re going to be about our kids.”

Shrugging, Robin sat down. “I think about the same. I don’t want to give them a complex.”

I snorted a laugh. “No matter how hard you try, you’re going to give them a complex.” As I watched on, Derek lifted his bat and got into the form his dad had taught him as soon as he was able to hold a plastic version.

Even now, Jason stood near third base and clapped for our son.

I turned to look at Robin and Zoey, my sister’s hand draped over her partner’s knee. Shaking my head, I tried to be more present as I felt my mind drifting off.

But it didn’t help much, all I could think about was the two women I had trying to sweep me off of my feet. Both of them were undeniably incredible. And I felt my stomach tighten at the thought of each of their faces.

Nudging me, Zoey smiled. “What’s going on with you?”