With a nod, Mac laughed. Taylor was quite the rogue. Who knew how many affairs she’d had over the years, entirely hidden from the public eye? Mac clenched her jaw, a wave of jealousy washing over her. But the tension released as she realized just how pissed Kim must have been to know she couldn’t stop her daughter.
Mac took her seat, a lounger in the back room with a few of the tarmac. She wanted to watch Taylor get on the plane – to see her strut across the tarmac as the paps snapped her picture. All of them were completely unaware of what waited for Taylor inside.
Over the course of the next thirty minutes, people with cameras began to line the fence across from the plane.
A loud whirring began from seemingly all over. Mac jumped at the noise as the engines turned on. The plane was going to be ready for take off as soon as Taylor stepped foot inside. It was a level of preparedness that Mac had never witnessed herself. Though, she was almost certain that someone like Babs had experienced it when she was pro.
Before Mac could get too lost in thought, a black SUV rolled onto the tarmac.
As she grippedher racket bag in her hands, Taylor licked her lips. Her entire body pulsed with excitement, knowing what waited for her on the jet just ahead. Every message she’d received from her team told her that her plan was going off without a hitch.
As she neared the steps of the jet, Taylor gave her usual wave to the crowd of paps. The engine roared in her ear, drowning out the sound of their camera flashes.
Taylor climbed the stairs, trying to stop herself from taking two at a time. All she wanted was to be next to Mac again. At the top of the stairs, Taylor smiled at the flight attendant. “Hey, Darla.”
Darla nodded. “Welcome aboard. Champagne?”
Taylor shook her head. “No, thank you. Is she onboard?”
Gesturing to the back of the plane, Darla smiled. “Can I take your racket bag?”
Taylor handed over the bag and headed to the back of the plane. Pulling back the curtain, Taylor’s face lit up as soon as she laid eyes on Mac.
She snapped her fingers. “Damn, I was really hoping you would’ve kept the wig on.”
Standing from her seat, Mac wrinkled her forehead. “God, why?”
“It would have been wildly embarrassing.” Taylor laughed as she closed the curtain and strutted toward Mac. “Hi.”
Mac smirked at the sound of her voice, lowering her own to a low grumble. “Hi, thanks for the ride.” Taylor put her arms around Mac’s neck, pulling her in for a deep kiss. As their lips met, Taylor could feel Mac’s tongue teasing hers. The taste of her sent a jolt of excitement through Taylor.
After a moment, Taylor heard the cabin door close. “Ready?”
Mac nodded, a sudden anxiety washing over her face. “What if we crash?”
“Then, we’re dead.” Taylor laughed as she settled into the plush leather seats. As soon as the plane took off and finished its ascent, she’d move to the couch on the opposite side of the plane. But for now, she had to strap in.
Rolling her eyes, Mac reached across the table and shoved Taylor. “That’s not comforting. They’d find our bodies together.”
Taylor shrugged. “At least I wouldn’t have to see Kim’s reaction.”
Before Mac could say anything else, the captain's voice rang through the intercom. “Good afternoon, ladies. We’ll be taking off here momentarily and heading to London Heathrow. Estimated arrival is just before midnight local time.”
Mac winced. “That’s late.”
“But you’ll be tired when we land, so falling asleep won’t be as hard with the time change.” Taylor explained. She had years of travel knowledge, far more than Mac could comprehend.“Besides, that’s what the extra night in the hotel is for. We aren’t competing for another two days.”
Taking a sip of her champagne as the plane taxied toward the runway, Mac looked out the window.
Taylor tilted her head. “Is that a Babs approved drink?”
Mac shook her head. “Who says I’ll be tired?”