"Perhaps." Alistair's tone remains neutral, but something flickers across his face—a mix of concern and curiosity that vanishes as quickly as it appears.
His weathered hands still their work entirely now, focus entirely on me. "Though I wouldn't recommend dwelling on such things. Some mysteries in this castle are best left unexplored."
The candlestick pulses again, stronger this time. The sensation travels up my arm like an electric current, settling somewhere behind my breastbone.
My heart beats faster, syncing with the strange rhythm emanating from the silver. It reminds me of the way the library felt yesterday—alive, aware, waiting.
Around us, the dining room's atmosphere shifts. The shadows in the corners deepen, and the air grows thick with anticipation. Even the holiday decorations seem to hold their breath—pine garlands and red ribbons perfectly still despite the constant drafts that plague the castle. The Christmas tree we decorated stands sentinel in the corner, its lights dimming slightly as if responding to some unseen signal.
"I need to check something in the library." The words tumble out before I can stop them. An invisible force tugs at me, magnetic and impossible to resist. My feet are moving before my brain catches up. The candlestick practically hums in my grip, urging me forward.
"Miss Everly-" Alistair starts, but I'm already halfway to the door. His voice follows me, heavy with warning, but the pull is too strong to resist.
The corridors twist differently today, the familiar route to the library suddenly more complex. Shadows dance at the edges of my vision, and the walls seem to lean inward, watching my progress. The portraits' eyes follow me as I pass, their painted faces holding secrets I'm only beginning to understand. The candlestick in my hand pulses steadily, leading me forward like a compass pointing north.
The library doors stand slightly ajar, releasing a whisper of cold air that carries the scent of old books and something else—something wild and ancient that makes my blood sing. As I approach, frost patterns spread across the wood, forming shapesthat echo the symbols on the candlestick. The sight should frighten me, but instead, it feels like coming home.
I slip inside, and the atmosphere changes instantly. The library—Ember, as I've started thinking of her—feels expectant, alive with possibility. Dust motes swirl in the weak sunlight, dancing in patterns too precise to be random. They form constellations I almost recognize before dissolving back into chaos. The air itself seems to hold its breath, waiting.
"What are you trying to tell me?" I whisper to the empty air. The words echo slightly, though they shouldn't in a room full of books and fabric.
The response is immediate. A book slides from its shelf with deliberate grace, landing with a soft thump on the reading table. My heart jumps, but the fear is overshadowed by a surge of excitement. The leather binding is worn smooth with age, its pages yellowed and fragile. As I reach for it, the air around me shivers like heat waves rising from summer pavement.
The journal falls open to a page covered in cramped handwriting. Symbols identical to those on the candlestick fill the margins, accompanied by notes in multiple hands. The ink seems to shift and flow as I read, letters rearranging themselves before my eyes:
"The binding requires sacrifice—willing or unwilling, the price must be paid..."
"Magic seeks balance. What is freely given cannot be stolen..."
"The curse feeds on isolation. With each passing year, the walls grow higher..."
My fingers brush the page, and images flash through my mind—moonlight on snow, a wolf's howl echoing through ancient trees, blood seeping into frozen ground. The visions feel more like memories, though I know they can't be mine. I see a younger man with Ronan's features but colder eyes, standing ina circle of strange symbols. Power crackles through the air, and something dark takes root in the castle's foundations.
I snatch my hand back, but the connection lingers, humming beneath my skin. The candlestick's warmth spreads up my arm, meeting the energy pulsing from my chest. They resonate together, creating a harmony that makes the air shimmer.
The library's magic swells around me like a rising tide. Books shift on their shelves, their spines glowing with faint blue light. The temperature plummets until I can see my breath, but I'm not cold. Instead, power thrums through my veins, electric and alive. The sensation reminds me of standing in the ocean just before a wave breaks—that moment of suspension when you know you're about to be swept away.
"Miss Everly." Alistair's voice cuts through the strange atmosphere like a knife through silk. I spin to find him standing in the doorway, his expression grave. The journal vanishes from the table, there one moment and gone the next, leaving only a whisper of old paper and ink. "Some doors are locked for a reason."
"What's happening here?" I demand, gripping the candlestick tighter as its energy continues to build. My voice shakes slightly, but not from fear. The power coursing through me feels right somehow, as if I've finally found something I didn't know I was missing. "These symbols, the magic—none of this is normal."
"No," he agrees quietly. "But neither is your ability to sense it." He steps closer, and the library's magic recoils slightly, creating a pocket of stillness around him. The movement confirms what I've suspected—he knows far more than he's letting on. "Be careful, Miss Everly. The castle's secrets have teeth, and not everyone survives uncovering them."
The warning should frighten me. Instead, determination rises, burning away the last traces of uncertainty. I've spent mylife watching from the sidelines, afraid to reach for what I want. But something about this place, about these mysteries, calls to the deepest part of me—the part that's always known I was meant for more than ordinary life.
"I'm not going to stop looking," I tell him, lifting my chin. The candlestick pulses in agreement, its warmth spreading through my entire body.
A ghost of a smile touches his lips. "No, I don't suppose you will." He turns to leave, then pauses. "But remember—some truths come at a cost. Are you prepared to pay it?"
The question hangs in the air after he's gone, heavy with implication. Around me, the library's magic settles into a gentle hum, like a cat purring. A faint shimmer ripples through the air—approval? Warning? Both?
I press my palm against the nearest bookshelf, feeling the pulse of energy beneath the wood. The candlestick's warmth mingles with it, creating a harmony that resonates through my entire body. For the first time in my life, I feel truly awake, truly present. As if everything before this moment was just preparation.
"We'll figure this out together, won't we, Ember?" The name feels right on my tongue, acknowledging the library's sentience.
The lights flicker once, and warmth spreads through my hand. It feels like a promise—or perhaps a challenge. Either way, I know there's no turning back now. Whatever secrets Frostspire Keep is hiding, whatever connection exists between the castle's magic and the strange energy flowing through me, I'm going to uncover the truth.
The holiday decorations in the corner catch my eye—a small wreath of holly and pine, its red berries gleaming in the fading light. Christmas is coming, and with it, perhaps, answers. I can feel time moving differently here, as if the castle exists in its own pocket of reality where past and present blur together.