His eyes grow. “Are you saying you passed the trial? You have to compete in the next one?”
I bite my bottom lip again and nod, but this time it doesn’t distract him.
He rounds on Talon. “You let her do this? Why? That was your one stipulation.”
“I didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter.” He looks over at me. “Without her help I would have failed, and that’s not an option.”
“The hell it isn’t!” Becks explodes. “I thought you cared about her. At least enough to make sure she doesn’t die in this idiotic competition.”
Talon presses his lips together, not commenting one way or another whether he cares about me. I want to not be bothered that he doesn’t answer, but I kind of am. And that, in and of itself, annoys me.
Becks looks like he’s gearing up to really lay into Talon, when a commotion at the front of the asylum draws all of our attention. When I look over, Stryder stumbles out of the building, yelling something about shadow beasts as two creatures run up to meet him. I think one is his sister, another dragon shifter, but I don’t recognize the other.
Becks lets go of my hand the moment he sees his fellow dragon shifters. I won’t lie to myself and pretend it doesn’t sting.
“I’m done here,” I say with an edge to my voice that I’m sure both guys don’t miss. “I need to get home and try to sneak backinto my bedroom before my parents find me gone and ground me for two years rather than just two weeks.” I start off toward where Becks’ truck and Talon’s bike are parked.
“Want another ride, Freckles?” Talon says, but before I can answer Becks speaks up.
“I’m taking her home.”
That’s what I was planning anyway, but I’m almost annoyed enough at Becks to consider jumping on the back of Talon’s bike. But not quite.
Talon ignores Becks and waits for me to answer, but I shake my head. “No, I’m good.”
Talon just shrugs like he doesn’t care either way. I know he only asked to nettle Becks and I wish he’d stop doing that. He’s only making the situation between the three of us that much harder, which I’m sure he’s aware of and even more sure that he doesn’t care.
He reaches for his helmet but pauses before putting it on. “We’re going to need to talk,” he tells me, and a low growl emanates from Becks.
“You guys have nothing to talk about anymore,” Becks says.
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Talon says, finally looking serious. “Because like it or not, the only way we’re both making it through that next trial is together.”
I can tell Becks hates how intertwined Talon and I are in this competition, but it’s not something I can help at this point.
“If it makes you feel better, come with her if you want. As long as you can put your ego aside for a minute. I don’t have time to put up with you growling or shooting fireballs to try to prove to Locklyn you’re the alpha male in the room. This is serious.” His gaze shifts to me and his eyes are as hard as granite. “There are things about Chaos that you don’t know. Things I was hoping I wouldn’t have to tell you, but now that we’re both in the finals,it’s too dangerous to keep you in the dark. Meet at my house after school today.”
He waits until I nod, and then throws on his helmet. After revving his engine he takes off, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.
“That’s what you rode here on?” Becks asks when the noise from Talon’s engine has faded.
It irritates me that’s what he’s concerned with right now. “Yeah, so what?” I say, then yank open his truck door and haul myself into the cab.
Becks rounds the front of his truck and then climbs in behind the wheel. I can practically hear his teeth grinding as he cranks the engine and throws the vehicle into reverse.
“I’m coming with you to that meeting this afternoon.”
“Sure, whatever,” I say, sitting in silence until a wave of boldness overtakes me. “You know other girls might find this whole jealous boyfriend thing hot, but it’s a real turnoff for me. Especially when you’re not even really my boyfriend.”
Becks snaps his head toward me and I catch the mixture of hurt and anger on his face before he turns back to watch the road. I tell myself not to care. I’m hurt and angry too.
“That’s not fair,” he says, his jaw clenching.
“Which part?”
“All of it. You know I can’t control our situation.”
“That’s debatable.”