Page 25 of Creatures of Chaos

Becks’ mouth is now so close I can almost feel the warmth of his lips, almost taste their sweetness. I have to bite back the whimper that’s lodged in my throat. I’ve never wanted anything more than to feel their softness against mine and experience my first kiss. To know that the two of us fit together like puzzle pieces, despite what the dragon council, the students at Nightlark Academy, or anyone else may think.

I start to go up on my toes, too impatient to wait for him to come to me, when a loud boom rocks the cavern, eliciting another round of screams.

A bright light flashes behind Becks and he twists to see what’s going on. He shoves me behind him as he pulls away. Everything in me protests and I want to weep over the moment that was just stolen from us.

The cavern has gone eerily quiet. I peek around Becks’ giant body to see what’s going on. The rock formation in the middle of the cavern is lit with a column of silvery light, as if it has a spotlight directed at it. Standing atop the stone is a figure robed in red. Parts of my brain are still a little muddled, so it takes me a second to really absorb the strangeness of the situation.

Is this some kind of prank?

Becks glances over at me with a frown when I slide out from behind him to get a better look at the spectacle. I know he wants me to stay put, but I don’t need his protection.

As if under a spell, the crowd is transfixed on the figure, staying still and silent. I sneak a quick glance around, catching Ensley and her band members not far away, but Talon is nowhere to be seen. I have a momentary twinge of worry for him before my thoughts are interrupted by a booming voice.

“Welcome to Chaos,” the figure atop the stone outcrop says. His voice is all gravel and grit as it booms throughout the space, his words lingering in the air even after the echoes fade.

Becks and I glance at each other, our faces mirror images of shock as audible gasps and excitedwhoopsreverberate throughout the crowd.

I guess this is really happening. I’ll never say I haven’t been wrong before.

The figure, who sounds male but whose body shape is undistinguishable under the red robes, waits until it’s silent again before speaking. “Your attendance tonight is considered your acceptance as Chaos spectators. The barrier you passed through upon entering the caverns isn’t just to block out the sound and lights of this evening’s festivities.” He pauses againand every creature in the crowd hangs on his next words. “It also prevents you from discussing Chaos with anyone who isn’t here this evening. Just like tonight, your devices won’t work at any of the participating events either.”

I suck in a gasp and look up at Becks, whose mouth is flattened into a grim line. That sounds like some sort of vampire compulsion magic to me, which is very illegal.

“A magical gag? Is that even possible?”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that before,” he says, but what he doesn’t say is that it’s not possible.

The robed figure turns slowly, taking in the entirety of the crowd surrounding him. When he’s pointed in our direction, his hood is so low over his face it conceals his features entirely. I’m sure that’s not accidental.

“You may have heard rumors of Chaos and its trials, but I can assure you, you don’t know the truth. Chaos is bigger than any of you can imagine, and older than you would believe. Its secrets have been taken to the grave more than once.”

Dramatic much?

“I am your game master, one of only a few individuals tasked with keeping Chaos and its traditions alive. My identity will remain unknown for the duration of Chaos. I may be your next-door neighbor, I may be someone you pass on the street, but you’ll never know because secrecy is of the utmost importance. Without it, Chaos wouldn’t exist.”

A low murmur starts in the crowd as everyone begins to really absorb that this is happening. The game master ignores the commotion and keeps talking.

“Tonight, you will take part in Chaos history. Each one of you will have the opportunity to compete, but beware . . . once you identify yourself as a competitor, there’s no backing out.” Of course there’s no way to tell with his hood pulled so low, but the game master is pointed in my direction when he speaks his nextwords, and even without seeing his eyes, I can’t help but feel he’s speaking directly to me. “The first Chaos trial begins this evening. The four others will take place over the coming weeks but be assured these trials aren’t for the weak or faint of heart. They are fraught with life-threatening dangers and intended for only the strongest among you. Once you enter Chaos, there’s no way to self-eliminate and no guarantee of safety, so don’t make this decision lightly.”

What was a low murmur before has turned into a full-blown commotion. The energy in the crowd is a strange mixture of fear and excitement. Becks must feel it too, because he tries to step in front of me once again, but I skirt him and scurry over to Ensley, tugging on her hand to let her know I’m there.

She looks at me with wide eyes. “Can you believe this is happening?”

I shake my head. “Not really.”

I feel, rather than see, Becks come up behind me. He steps close enough that his body heat buffers up against me, but he stops short of touching me. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed.

“Who would be stupid enough to enter this thing?” he asks, his low voice rumbling behind me.

Ensley and I both shake our heads and shrug, but a sense of foreboding takes over me, and goose bumps pebble my skin. I rub my hands over my arms to chase them away.

Becks leans forward. His chest brushes my back, and his breath tickles the hairs next to my ear. “Cold?”

Heat flashes through my body as I’m brought back to what happened, or rather what almost happened when the lights were doused a few minutes before. If only we’d had a few more moments . . .

I notice Ensley eyeing me, so I clear my throat, forcing those thoughts from my mind. “No. I’m fine.”

Becks makes a sound in the back of his throat that shouldn’t be attractive but still sends a shiver down my spine. I take a tiny step forward, needing some space or I might burst into flames at any moment.