The blood drains from my face. This is all my fault. Or maybe not my fault exactly, but because of me.
“You can’t do this.”
“It’s already been done.”
“Well, undo it,” I snap.
“Why in the world would we be motivated to do that?” There’s a cunning sharpness in his gaze that reminds meof a predator who has cornered his prey and is anticipating devouring it.
“Would the council change their minds if I wasn’t in the picture anymore?”
“Hmm. That’s an interesting proposition.”
It’s in that moment that I realize Drake is just as ruthless as Talon said he was. This is what Drake and the council wanted all along, to get me out of Becks’ life, one way or another. And he’s smart enough to know that I’d do just about anything for Becks, including take myself out of his life.
I lock down my emotions, forcing myself to go hard rather than to fall apart, not willing to give him a shred more than he’s already taken from me.
“Got it!” Ensley calls, and when I look over she’s descending the stairs.
The smile on her face slips when she sees me standing with Talon’s uncle. Even though I’m doing my best to keep myself under control, she knows me too well not to see my distress.
Her eyes narrow as she glances back and forth between us. “Creepy statue.”
“It’s a three-hundred-year-old work of art. Practically priceless,” Drake says, and Ensley snorts.
“Could have fooled me,” she says, and Drake’s face scrunches like he just smelled something rancid.
She reaches into her purse and pulls out a small notebook and pen. Scribbles something on a piece of paper. She rips the page out and then hands it to Drake.
He takes it with a frown. “What is this?”
“The number of our interior designer. Looks like you need some help freshening up this place. It’s giving off serious dated dungeon vibes. You can do better.”
She doesn’t wait for Drake to respond before grabbing my arm and hauling me toward the front door. I hear paper beingripped into pieces, but don’t look over my shoulder. I’ve seen enough of Drake to last me a lifetime. I just want to get the heck out of this mansion and never look back.
I may never wantto see Drake Brayden’s face again, but I still find myself loitering outside his business office the next day, pacing back and forth trying to make myself go inside the building and confront him. I wish I didn’t have to see him face-to-face, but I don’t have his number and wasn’t about to ask Talon for it, so stalking him at his place of work was the only way I could think to have a conversation.
I was up most of the night before, tossing and turning, knowing what needed to be done but not wanting to admit it to myself. When the sun finally rose this morning I came to terms with what I have to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to make myself do it.
I’ve been pacing for over a half hour when Drake shoves through the door and heads to his car. I force myself to hurry over to him before he can get in and drive off.
“I’ll do it,” I say, and Drake turns to face me. If he’s surprised to see me, he doesn’t show it.
“Do what?” he asks with a mild expression.
What a jerk. He’s going to make me spell it out.
“I’ll make a clean break from Becks and promise to never have a romantic relationship with him. And in exchange you will get the council to back off about this life-mate stuff. And when the time comes he’ll be able to choose who he wants to be with without council interference.”
He lifts his eyebrows. “You really think I’m going to agree to that.”
I nod. “I don’t just think, I know. Do you want to know how I know?”
He tilts his head as he regards me. “Enlighten me.”
“I know that you’re going to agree to this because you all are so scared of Becks picking someone magicless to mate with that you’ll go to extremes to stop him. And I also know you’re going to take this deal because it’s the only way to keep me out of his life for good.”