The slight scent of smoke permeates the air and Becks’ temperature spikes beneath my palms.
“Welp, I’ll see you tonight, Freckles,” Talon says jovially, and slaps me on the back before heading down the hall. It might be my imagination, but I swear I hear his low chuckle echo off the walls as he goes.
“What happened to keeping your distance?” Becks asks, taking a step back, and I drop my hands from his chest. His brows are drawn as he watches Talon’s retreating form, a frown pulling down his face.
I heave a sigh. When did my life get so complicated? Oh yeah, the minute I decided to do the bonehead thing of entering an underground competition that may or may not get me killed. That’s when it got so complicated.
“Sometimes creatures are unavoidable,” I say, and that’s sure the truth when it comes to Talon. It seems like no matter what, he keeps stepping in my path. Only time will tell if that’s a good or bad thing.
Another wave of smoky air hits me. No need to guess what Becks thinks about it. His dislike of Talon grows daily.
Some of the tightness leaves Becks’ muscles, and I assume Talon must have just turned the corner behind me.
“So you have a project with him?” Becks asks, his green-eyed gaze swinging to me.
I have a choice to make here. Come clean, or keep up the lie? I should come clean, but something tells me I’m going to need the excuse.
“Yeah, but it probably won’t be that big of a deal,” I say, and then try to shove down the guilt and shame that starts to boil over.
“Sucks,” Becks says, but then tilts his head toward the courtyard and we wander in that direction.
Ensley’s grin stretches across her face when we reach our table and sit down with our lunches across from her. She’s sitting alone, and that doesn’t bode well. I was counting on Shayla and the others as a buffer.
“So . . . ” she starts, looking back and forth between us. “How are you guys doing today?”
Giving her a funny look, Becks shrugs and then takes a bite of his burger. Ensley doesn’t even bother razzing him about the meat as he chews, and that right there should have tipped him off that something is up, but instead he goes on happily munching his burger without realizing what is about to hit us.
I, on the other hand, know exactly what type of cyclone is swirling in Ensley’s mind, and shoot her a look that says I’ll skin her alive if she continues down this path. Seeing my glare, her smile only grows, and she winks at me.
Winks. At. Me.
“So nothing particularly eventful from the last couple of days?” she asks, her voice dripping with false innocence.
Becks dips a fry in ketchup, and I try to catch his eye, but he’s too focused on his food to notice. “Besides Chaos, nothing really to report.”
No. Abort, Becks.Abort.
“Speaking of Chaos, you booked it before Locklyn even got back from her trial. I haven’t gotten the chance to ask you about that yet. You weren’t home when I got in last night.”
Becks finally has the sense to look a little uncomfortable, but he just shrugs again. “Just some stuff I was working through. I needed to get out of there to clear my head.” He finally flicks his gaze toward me, but it’s too late now. Ensley laid her snare and her brother walked right into it.
“But you and Lock must have met up again last night, right? She said you took her to get her hand stitched. She wouldn’t let me take her after the trial, by the way.” Ensley leans forward and plops her chin on her palm like she’s settling in for a long story.
I need a new best friend.
“Ensley,” I warn, holding my knife like a dagger and hoping she gets the point, but she just chuckles at my weak threat.
Becks looks at me and then back at Ensley, finally catching on that she knows what happened between us. Or at least knows something. Pink appears high on his cheeks, which somehow makes him look both adorable and incredibly attractive at the same time.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says, and then shoves the last bit of the burger in his mouth and chews slowly, keeping his mouth busy so that he doesn’t have to say anything else.
I twist in my seat, scanning the courtyard for Shayla and Owen, or anyone who usually sits with us. I’d even welcome Leo’s pushy company right now. Anything to keep Ensley from prying.
“Oh come on, Becks. I’ve been watching you two tiptoe around this for ages. It couldn’t be more obvious that you both are hot for each other.”
My jaw literally falls open. Becks freezes.
Ensley bursts out laughing. “This is just too good. You guys should see your faces right now.”