I march across the room, intent on shredding the artwork into a thousand bits when a pair of slim hands slams into my chest. Nova curls her fingers just enough that the sharpened nail ends dig into my chest without breaking skin.
I drive forward, a growl rumbling in the back of my throat. The animal parts of me prowl beneath the surface, even in the mortal realm, clawing to be released.
Nova slams her eyebrows down over fiery green eyes. Her mouth is set into a hard line. I’ve known her long enough to recognize her “I mean business” look, but it’s going to take more than her glower to bend my will.
“Yo, Hulk Smash, I’m talking to you. You need to chill out.”
“Yeah, Mom’s already going to scalp you for trashing another room, but if you touch her Banksy, she’ll disown you.” I crane my neck to see Greyson surveying the room from the doorway.
Sterling brushes past him and lets out a low whistle. “Nice work,” he tells me. His gaze travels to the painting I almost destroyed. “Mom won’t be too upset, though. Banksy’s one of us, so she’ll just ask him to paint another.”
They need to shut up about the stupid painting.
“Two. Days,” I grit out. The room falls silent except for my labored breathing. My jaw aches from clenching it so tightly. “It’s been almost two days since they took her, and we’re sitting here twiddling our thumbs rather than getting her back from those creatures.”
“Um, ouch.” Sterling holds up his hands. “Dude, my fingers are starting to chafe from being online for so long. I only got up from my workspace to get some more snacks when I heard you raging in here.”
It’s true. Sterling’s the only reason why we know what’s going on with the investigation. The Council isn’t filling us in, and when Sable found out what the others had done—misleading her and my parents so they could find and help me—she was furious enough to ice us out. Words like, “immature,” “irresponsible,” and “reckless” were thrown around during that initial call.
I tunnel my hands into my hair and fist the strands. Tipping my head back, I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing, forcing myself to calm down.
I feel my blood pressure start to drop when a ball of sparks floats into the room and lands on Nova’s shoulder. The sparks flicker and then disappear as Tinkle transforms into his flying squirrel form again. Useless Celestial.
“We’re all doing our best here.” Tinkle’s high voice grates on me.
“You’re one to talk,” I spit out. He shrinks back against Nova’s neck. She lifts her hand and rubs a finger against his tiny head.
“You’re not being fair,” Nova says.
“Fair?” I bark a bitter laugh. “His whole reason for existing is to protect his charge, and he lost her.”
Tinkle jumps into the air and disappears. Nova shoots me a stern look. “You know why that happened.”
“Yeah, he took his eye off the ball.”
“In order to save your brother. Do you wish Tinkle would have let Sterling bleed out in that club hallway? Because that’s exactly what would have happened if he hadn’t stayed to help Greyson and Ash. Sterling would be dead right now.”
I can’t look her in the eye because, of course, she’s right. Tinkle saved my brother’s life, and for that, I should be grateful.
The hard truth is that it’s my fault Emberly’s gone. I was in the alley with her. I let her slip through my fingers. I’m to blame. I had a chance to bury a blade in Silver’s heart and I hesitated, pressing her for information instead of going in for the kill. We lost our advantage.
Turning my back on everyone, I stalk to the window and stare down on New York City, not really seeing anything. Raging isn’t doing anyone any good, least of all Emberly. I need to get my head on straight.
Sucking in a lungful of air through my nose, I hold it for a five-count before releasing it and turning. Greyson, Sterling, and Nova are all still in the room. They know me. We’ve ridden highs and lows together throughout the years. They’d go to Hell and back with me if I asked, no questions.
Well, on second thought there’d be a lot of questions, but regardless, they’d have my back.
“You’re all right.” The words are easier to get out than I thought they’d be. “I’ve been an ass, and it’s not helping anyone.”
With a nod, Nova crosses her arms over her chest. “So, what are you going to do about it?”
“For starters, pull my head out of the sand and get to work. I have a contact in the Keepers who’s cursing the day we ever met, but I may still have some sway with her. We need to find out exactly what they know.”
“Now you’re talking my language.” Sterling gestures with his head for us to follow him.
As I follow my brother through the penthouse, Emberly’s last words before she was ripped away from me echo in my mind.You said it was easy for you to find me. So prove it.
That’s exactly what I plan to do.