“But I can’t even open a lock on a book without fainting?” I finish for him.
“Right, for now,” Tavien says apologetically.
I rub my face, suddenly tired, the pounding in my head starting up again. “If I get the crown off, I have no claim to that throne, so I can do nothing to save the mortals, but if I keep the crown, I cannotescape the hourglass that is held over my life, and I can’t help anyone if I’m dead. It's maddening.”
“You’re not going to die,” Leon and Nueena say at the exact same time.
Leon continues, “I know you don’t believe me, but I believe in you. We will find a way out of this.”
“Yes,” Nueena agrees, “we will.”
The next few days follow a familiar pattern. Tavien and Leon work on the elixir, tirelessly mixing and collaborating. One ingredient is listed incorrectly and the liquid turns gray, some reaction gone wrong, forcing them to start from scratch. Reyna is brought in, and they are able to find where they went wrong.
The crown continues to be a painful reminder of what is at stake. Each day I feel a little worse, needing naps in the afternoons. The compression of magic builds and builds, and Nueena often takes my hand and relieves the pressure.
Nueena and I wake early on the seventh day. Together we watch the rising sun illuminate the sea of anafaea flowers. The moon fades with morning’s light, dewdrops sparkling like stars on the petals.
“Now we can finally remove the key ingredient.” Nueena kneels in the soil, inspecting the flowers’ centers.
I reach into one flower and pluck the dark blue bulb from its center. It is incredibly light, made up of ten petals enclosed around each other in a soft sphere. At its base, longer petals hang over the sides of the stem. “What do we do with them?”
She stands in front of the healing flowers. “They need to be removed and dried out. We leave for the Gem Court today, but they should be ready to pulverize when we return.” She motions with her hands and the midnight bulb petals rise one by one, swirling in the air as if it were raining in reverse. Each glistening petal follows the motion of her hand skyward, twirling together near the palacewalls and turning towards the north tower, where Tavien and Leon await them.
We link arms and head back up to our wing.
“Last crowning ceremony before your actual coronation. I know the Gem Court plans to put your last four to shame.”
She throws me a small conspiratorial grin. “I have no doubt about that. Your court throws the best parties. After the past few days, I believe we’ve all earned a little time for revelry to drown out anxieties of the future.” She tightens her arm around me and I squeeze back.
“What weighs on your soul, Nu?” I look at her, but she stares straight ahead as we climb the tower stairs. Her faraway looks worries me. She has so much pressure on her; a fair amount she places on herself. The weight of her royal future always had her striving for perfection, a lifelong pursuit of excellence to be ready to rule Ellova.
She sighs deeply. “My mother leaves behind a great legacy. She ruled with honor and earned the respect of every court for centuries. I know it will take some time for me to command the same. Some think the throne has chosen me too early. The courts may not give the grace they so freely gave my mother.”
I take a moment to collect my thoughts. Nueena is not one for empty words. “The choice of the throne is not for them to agree or disagree with. You have sat beside her for every Guardian gathering, council session, and court meeting for decades. You even sat outside with your ear pressed to the door when you were too young to attend.” I reach over and playfully flick her pointed ear. “Nyvenah has taught you everything she knows, and you have memorized how your grandmother and even her mother handled each situation and complication. Once Nyvenah returns from her well-deserved vacation after your coronation, she will sit on your council, guiding you. The fae of Ellova do not require perfection from you, Nu. They only desire for you to rule with integrity and compassion. Both are traits you overflow with.”
She leans over and kisses me on the cheek as we reach the top step. “Thank you, Del.”
When we join Leon and Tavien, they have already set out the petals on the table. Tavien’s palms light and he sends a blue ring of flames circling above the anafaea. Not burning, but as the room heats, the flowers begin to wilt before he calls back his flames. “They will be ready by the time we return. For now, we have a crowning ceremony to pack for.”
“What should I expect for my first crowning ceremony?” Leon asks.
Nueena, Tavien, and I all look at each other and grin. In unison we all say, “The best party of your life.”
Ishould have packed days ago for our journey to the Gem Court.
Two large trunks lie open on the floor, half-filled as I throw in a pair of golden silk shoes that match the folded gown already packed. I open and close three drawers before I find my aquatic attire and toss it in to join the rest. My best necklaces are wrapped up and safely tucked away, but the jewelry boxes I fished them out of are haphazardly pushed back into their places.
“How long will we be in the Gem Court?” Leon’s eyes follow me around the room. He sits on my bed, and even when my back is to him, I know he looks nowhere else.
I frown at my open armoire as I rifle through my extensive collection of golden-yellow dresses. “Two nights. The last four crowning celebrations lasted almost a week. Thankfully, since we have delicate matters to attend to here at the palace, it has cut the trip short.” Restlessness stirs within me and I try to shove down the building panic.It will be fine, I repeat for what seems like the hundredth time that day, taking a deep breath.
When I walk past Leon, he reaches out his hand, grabbing mine and pulling me to a stop in front of him.
“This is your court. Are you not excited to return?” He stares up at me from the bed, studying my face. He phrases the question delicately, not exactly probing.
I can tell he wants a real answer from me, but I stay silent, pressing my lips together with a shake of my head.