Once the door is closed, Leon and I swim over to the carved staircase that leads out of the natatorium pool to meet Lillian and Nueena by the main doors.
I pull out two thick bathing robes from a large chest. Leon takes one. It has six tree roots connecting with a sun and a tree, the Kingdom of Ellova’s crest, embroidered on the back, and we each slip one on. The magic heats from the inside, drying out our clothes and hair.
I guess it’s time for introductions.
“Ummm, this is Leon. This is Nueena, Future Realm Keeper of Ellova.”
She gives him a sincere smile. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
“I feel like I’ve been spoken about for a while.” He looks at me with a confident smirk. “I had no idea I made such an impression.” Leon will likely never let me forget this and I can only imagine this is just the start of my friends bringing up my small obsession with him in his presence.
I look away to conceal the budding flush that paints my cheeks. “This is Lillian, Nueena’s commander.”
She does not extend her hand.
“Nice to meet you both,” Leon says.
Nueena is the first to speak. “We have heard wonderful things about you, Leon, and I am glad to finally meet you, but whathappened that brought you so far from your home?” Her concern warms my chest.
I take a deep breath in a pathetic attempt to steady myself, but it only adds to Nueena’s troubled expression. I start to undo the braids that keep the crown hidden. Nueena and Lillian’s faces shift from curious interest to shock when the crown is slowly revealed. Nueena’s hands migrate to her mouth, and she holds her breath until all of my hair is down. Fully on display on my head is the stolen fae crown, no longer black, the similar shade of my copper locks.
Nueena is the first to speak. “Is that—? What? How? When? Del, what?—”
I save her any more questions. “I was heading home after we parted last night and two men showed up in the woods, pulling along a cart carrying Jedrick. I knocked them unconscious and tried to bring Jedrick here but he died. When the crown fell off onto the forest floor, the ground started to decay instantly and caught fire. It spread so fast I was terrified it was going to burn the forest down, destroy the wards, and corrupt the protection of the Verge. The burnt ground spread out like claws, scorching everything, just like the markings we saw yesterday at the Divide. I didn’t have time to think it through; I just grabbed it and put it on.” The tale comes out fast and broken, distress in every word. “It seemed like the only option, but now it’s stuck, and it fucking hurts. Then Grayden’s guards found us. Theirs is the blood you saw. The crown’s magic fought back and saved us.”
Nueena is silent as she stares at the crown in wonder.
When I am met with silence, I continue to blabber on. “Maybe your mother knows something we don’t. We can search the whole library in the Ink Court. There must be something. Some way to remove it. It’s gold again, not black, so already it’s an improvement.” It all spills out and panic takes over my voice, pitching it higher and higher.
“Um, Izadella?” The three of us turned our heads in Leon’s direction. “Are the plants normally like this?”
We follow his line of sight. All the plants have turned slightlybrown and are wilting on the edges. Another surge of panic rises up in me as the brown spreads on the leaves. A pathetic whimper escapes me: the plants’ decay is my doing.
Nueena ignores the plants and pulls me into a tight embrace, and I sink into it. We hold each other for a moment before she steps back.
“Ellova’s grave, calm yourself, Del. The crown is out of Grayden’s hands; it’s in Ellova. That’s the most important part of this. We can figure all the rest out later! I’m just glad you are safe.” She presses her cheek into my head as I melt into her again, holding tightly as relief floods me. I knew she would understand, but I still feel overwhelming relief. She raises her hand, sending a wave of magic towards the plants. I look back at Leon, who is examining the plants, where black ends have returned to their green and plump state.
“Interesting” is all he says, holding a leaf between two fingers, turning it slowly over.
Plants changing colors is not something I can worry about at present.
“We need to speak with my parents,” Nueena says, “now.” We break apart and I pull my hair into a pile on my head, hopefully concealing the crown from anyone else we may pass in the hallway. She turns towards Leon.“ I do not wish for you to feel unwelcome here, but some concerns will arise with your arrival.”
“I understand. Izadella has informed me that mortals are forbidden, and I fully understand the health risks of staying too long. There was also mention of a possible dungeon,” Leon says, trying to lighten the somber mood around us.
Nueena purses her lips to hide a grin and moves in front of me and Leon. “I need to glamour you both. The crown is emitting too much magic. Any fae will be able to sense you have more magic than you should for being half-mortal. It could raise suspicion.” She turns to Leon. “And you are not emitting any magic, so that also needs to be concealed.”
Leon agrees, “That would probably be best.”
She raises both hands and, in a fluid motion, swipes the air,sending a burst of light above me. I turn back towards the large mirror. Lilac sparks fall like stars over the golden crown, dissolving into my skin and clothes. The faint tingling sensation fades when the last of the light flickers out.
“Have your parents returned from the Larissian Fortress yet?” I ask Nueena.
Lillian rings a bell for assistance and looks back at Leon before answering, “No, but they are on their way back. Should be arriving any moment. We can discuss this in Nyvenah’s chambers.” Mistrust is crystal clear on her sharp features. “In private.”
I almost laughed at the exchange. “Welcome to Ellova, Leon.”