He looks at me, ready to say something else, but the crown buzzes inside my body again the closer we get, making it feel like bees are making a hive in my head. We continue in silence until we again reach a part of the mountain’s wide, flat ledge covered with soft grass, finally at the door to Ellova, to Nueena, to home.

When Leon turns around to look at the view behind us, a “whoa” slips out of him.


The view is incredible. No matter how many times I’ve stood here, it never fails to amaze me. The mountaintop overlooks the lush Merawood Forest that starts the fae realm, a sea of deep green under a crystal-clear blue sky. The tallest tree towers in my backyard as a marker to my home.

Like an ink stain on parchment looms the unrelenting black iron wall hides most of Adreania. The Iron Castle stands to the left, before the Elbasan Sea. The deep green-blue waters peek out between breaks in the wall.

To the right is the border of Kalvorn. Mountains with snow-dusted peaks separate the realms.

Three kingdoms built to keep all others out.

Leon is looking at Kalvorn with an unsettled expression. “Grayden wants to go to war with them. He’s already preparing his armies. He will say it’s to seek justice for his missing father but all he truly wants is more power, to invade and steal. More lives he can reduce to ash.”

I huff a laugh. “Grayden is an atrocious excuse for a man but he doesn’t have the manpower, the support of his people, or the crown. I’d like to see him try.”

“Do you think Ellova would intervene or fight with Kalvorn if he did try?”

I wish I could say yes. “The fae do not concern themselves with the bloody affairs of mortals. They have kept out of sight for a reason.”

On the landing is a little hiding spot Nueena, Tavien, and I sometimes visit to sneak away or stargaze; the large tan pillows we sit on are propped up against the stone walls. A small drink cart is tucked behind a large rock with crystal goblets, unopened wine bottles, and a forgotten wheel of cheese. I head to the door hidden by hanging purple flowers. He follows me but I turn back, rounding quickly on him.

“Remember your blood oath, healer. You are a guest and that is a privilege. One I can take away at any moment.”

He nods again and takes a step closer to me, sending my heart racing at his nearness. “I will be on my best behavior.”

I need to speak with Nueena before anything more happens between us. He stares at me with an intensity that makes me wish to hide from him and yet, at the same time, shove him against the violet buds and finally see what a kiss from him would taste like, feel like. He gazes as if he can see straight into me. Can he sense how fast my heart is beating?

“Um, turn around, please,” I ask, needing to break the connection.

He does so quickly and without question. I push aside the hanging flora to reveal a round wooden door. Old and cracked, no handle, just a small hollowed circle in the center. I slip off one of my bracelets and place it into the circle. It glows for a moment, recognizing the key, and cracks open. I return the gold band to my wrist and push the door open all the way.

Gratitude that I’ve finally returned and the sharp sense of coming home overwhelm me, bringing back the ache in my head, causing me to sway before strong hands wrap around my waist. Leon draws me against his broad chest before I can collapse over the threshold.

“I didn’t say you could turn around. For a healer you have poorlistening skills.” There is no venom in my words. The back of my head makes a home between his neck and shoulders. I should step forward but the pressure of his hands on my waist is alluring, his chest warm against my back.

The bright sensation of being safe and treasured entices me to relax against him.

I risk the betrayal of emotions clear on my face as I turn my head and look up at him. Most of his hair is still tied up, but a few strands have come undone on the trek up the mountain, one gray lock falling in front of his distressed face.

“Apologies, my dear.” A flutter starts low in my belly at the wordsmy dear.“When you didn’t say anything, concern got the best of me. It feels pointless to ask as I know you are not, but are you all right?” He takes his hand and presses it to my forehead. “No fever. Clear eyes. Can we stop and rest?”

“No, we need to go. Come on.” My first step is steady and I’m careful not to stumble as I walk.

Before us is a long, dark hallway straight into the mountain. I summon some light crystals. A speck of brightness appears in front of us, slowly growing in size. The white marble walls reflect the faint glow of the small ball of luminescence that bobs merrily before us.

He stares at it, so I offer some explanation. “Inside is a crystal that produces light. They can get bigger or smaller on command, or by using magic, depending on how powerful the person using them is. Not a specific magic, more of a right the fae have. You may need to ask me for assistance with running water or doors, as they run on the same magic.”

He smirks. “Far more convenient than oil lamps and candles.”

We walk in silence again before I stop abruptly, turning to him. “You can keep your name, but if anyone asks, make no mention of Adreania. You are part of the Ink Court. That is the court of healers and scholars. You are here visiting from the Eastern Library.”

He nods.

“Good.” We continue down the long tunnel. Above, a few smallfae spheres of golden light join in the illumination of our path, bouncing along with us.

I will one of the lights to grow larger and brighter for Leon. It flares merrily, a chance to show off. It burns luminously before I pull the magic away from it, taking the light with me. It returns to floating above me, with the faint glow of before.