Farren hops on the bed at the sound of his name and licks my face.

“Izadella is a beautiful name.” Just like withArra, he enunciates it with an emphasis on theAat the end that sounds as sweet and rich as melted chocolate on his lips. A joyous flutter starts in my chest again. “So you just created a whole identity, didn’t you?”

“I did what I needed to do for my family, to help where it was needed, no matter what risk it took to do so.”

He laughs, but I hear little amusement in it. “I don’t know how you were able to create a false identity, sneak into Adreania, and work in the Iron Castle under the nose of King Jedrick. That is not something one does lightly.”

Pride swells within me. “Well, with the right motivation, anything can be done, I suppose.”

“And what was your motivation?”

“Same as yours. I wanted to help those in Adreania. I needed to ensure my cousin’s survival at all costs.”

We lie in bed together under the cover of night, staring but not speaking, soaking up each other. Tiredness spreads within me, sleep reaching out its moonlit hand, but he needs to know what his concern means to me. How deeply his desire to protect me has touched me, that his care will always stay with me. “Thank you for being so concerned about my safety no matter who I am. I was truly touched that you would care so much about me and my darling imaginary children. Were they real, I would not be able to properly express my gratitude that they would have been safe. I am sure they would have had a great life where you were going to send us.”

He nods. “The destination was a cottage off by the Elbasan Sea in a thriving little village. I grew up there. It has a small farm attached to it with animals and a garden that needs some love and care but it grows the most delicious vegetables. Or at least it did. The property is not much, but it’s home.”

My stomach drops. I need to confess to him I sent Cyanna in my place. “Ah, yes, um, about that. I may have sent my cousin and twenty-two orphans to the ship in my place.” I quickly add, “I know that’s not what you or the sea captain expected, but Ineededto get them to safety since I wouldn’t be able to bring supplies anymore and a war is about to start.” I wait for his reaction, hoping it’s not anger, and yet somehow knowing it won’t be.

He is quiet for a moment but lets out a robust laugh. “When I told Oliver a woman and her children would be expecting his escort, I do not think that is what he had in mind. Izadella, I’mhonoredyou would trust me with your family. I know Cyanna. She and the children will have a beautiful life there.”

I am so delighted and relieved by his words, the sincerity there. I could kiss him but I hold back my affections. “You do? How?”

“You are not the only one who spends time trying to help those who call Beggars’ Row home. A few nights a week I provide medical attention there, including those at the orphanage.”

“Did she know you are the royal healer?” She never mentioned knowing Leon.

He shakes his head. “No, I did not let anyone know. Grayden would have had my head. I will sleep better, knowing the children are somewhere safe and at a place precious to me.”

“Is your family there now?”

“No, long gone. I was sent off around seventeen or so, and then I was shipped off to study in Versairen’s capital. They left a few years later.”

“Seventeen?” I can’t keep the horror from my voice. “But that’s so young.”

Fae children in Ellova are considered dewlings until we are fifty, although we would only appear to be around twenty-five to mortals. A dewling of that age would barely be starting lessons with the Ink Court.

He nods. “Yes, well, my mother needed me to learn medicine. It was a great school and provided the education that led me to become the royal healer. The most coveted position in the medical society. It also meant I got to meet you.”

I blush at the comparison and pull the covers closer to my chest to prevent myself from reaching out to touch him. “What’s it been like, living in the castle?”

“It had its bright moments but was mostly terrible. Jedrick has been paranoid for years; none of Grayden’s four older brothers have survived. Each death was more suspicious than the last. So Jedrick believed that Grayden would come for him once there were no other heirs. He feared Grayden, had guards around constantly whenever his son was near. Even if the crown can only betransferred in death, he still knew Grayden would try anything to become king.”

“There has to be a way to remove it without…” My throat is suddenly dry. I can’t seem to say the word out loud. Oh, Ellova’s grave, please don’t let me die with this crown still atop my head.

Leon continues, ‘The crown protects from death, or at least it should. It was meant to. The history books dictate Queen Inara wasn’t wearing it when she died. She had removed it, so we know it’s possible. It wasn’t worth her life or their daughter’s. She handed it to Drystan willingly, hoping it would spare her or at least give the daughter time to escape. He killed Inara once he had it. It’s said that the little princess was saved, though she was never seen again.”

My chest aches at the story even though I have heard it many times.

Leon is silent.

Deep in the White Library, tucked away within the Ink Court, sits Alvina’s journal. The Forger’s Journal. Since Alvina made the crown, it might have the answers I seek. It has been locked since her death. I’ve tried so many times to open it, but with the crown’s power I might be able to unlock it. The library holds many scrolls recording the lives of the first Realm Keeper, Zarella; Alvina; and Inara.

“We should sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us,” he adds after a few more moments of silence.

He has a rough shadow of stubble gracing his face. I want to reach out and rub my fingers over the short, coarse hair. His eyes are half shut. Black hair with a streak of gray falls in front of his face. Would he welcome my touch if I reached out to push it back? I know where I would lead that touch, but we don’t know what tomorrow brings, so I hold my hands to my chest.

“Good night, Leon,” I whisper while staring into those emerald eyes.