Turning to face her, I shrug. “He’s mostly curious and asking a lot of questions. Itistremendously different here. I just hope he can stay for a while, and that we have more history on any other mortals here besides my father.” I shove down the rising emotion at mentioning him.

“Being born in a place like Adreania, I imagine anything is better,” she says, misery for the misfortune of others in her voice.

I don’t have it in me to respond, so I pretend to see what new gowns are available, but I watch Leon. He picks out black pants, knee-high boots, and a green tunic the same color as his eyes.

When Hiliyah does come over, she takes in Leon’s form topped with the ear caps.

She looks at me with a questioning expression and I sigh before giving her a small nod. Her face lights up as she turns back to Leon.

“The healer, is it? I’ve heard so much about you. Della, you were right; he is incredibly handsome.” She gives him a bright, mischievous smile before winking at me.

All of my friends’ inability to feign ignorance of this man’s existence or at the very least not rush to spill my secrets is expected if not a little vexing, but the pleased grin Leon wears at yet another one of them knowing about him washes any true annoyance away. He chuckles at my embarrassed sigh.

I may need to stop introducing him to those who already know of him before his ego explodes.

“This is Hiliyah, Royal Gown Designer and my dear friend,” I say as they shake hands. “This is Leon, a fact you already made awfully clear you know.”

“You have a beautiful shop,” he says with clear sincerity.

She beams at his praise of the colorful surroundings of her store.

“Thank you. You can change here.” Hiliyah grabs a dark green vest off a branch and points to a small changing area for him. He gives me one last glance before disappearing behind the thick yellow curtain.

She turns to me, lowering her voice. “Kole was here earlier, snooping.”

I sigh and she takes my hand, leading me to the front of the shop near the main windows, not wanting Leon to overhear. I keep my voice low just in case. “What now?”

“He was asking what you are wearing to Nueena’s coronation ball. I told him if he wanted to share shades with you, he would have to ask you himself, but he did try to bribe one of my assistants with a variety of valuables.”

“Thank you for not telling him, and please apologize to whoever he bothered for me.”

“Stop being polite, Della. Tell him to sail his ship far from you, or at the very least to stop coming in here. Next time he comes in, I will use my most horrid fabric and make him a shirt so ugly that his own mother wouldn’t even dance with him.”

I laugh at that, but it dies on my lips as the damn male we were talking about strolls in.

Captain Kole.


Kole and his co-captain, Everett, join us, both dressed in the deep blue and seafoam green of their Court of Shells sea sentinel uniforms. They have been best friends for almost as long as Nueena and I have. The four of us attended schooling together at the Ink Court. Kole’s sandy blond hair is pushed back, while Everett’s light brown strands are windswept. They’re both smiling, but Everett’s is the only one that reaches his blue eyes.

Everett, whom I actually like, is taller than Kole, handsome with boyish good looks, and no matter how much time he spends under the sun on the high seas, his skin stays fair. The sapphire-studded sword I made him years ago still hangs on his hip. “Della!” he exclaims happily.

“You’re back!” I say, greeting Everett warmly as I step into his embrace; he smells like ocean salt and bergamot. His lips press quickly to my cheek before he steps away to hug the others.

Everett and I have been friends for a long time but I will forever question his friendship with Kole.

“I’m on shore duty ’til the coronation is over to spend time with my mother. Since my little accident, she wishes me to stay as close as possible, so I’ll be around the palace. If she could attach me toher in some fashion, I fear she would.” He lets out a little laugh at his overbearing mother. “I’ll join you all for dinner sometime this week.” He eyes Leon, and Nueena and I share a quick glance at the mention of his mother, Camarra, the Guardian of the Court of Green.

“I wouldn’t say getting thrown overboard on a training expedition and going missing for a few days in the middle of winter is a ‘little accident,’” Nunea says sympathetically. “Your poor mother, no wonder she’s eager to have you near.”

“I’m fine; I’m fine. The water wasn’t that cold.” Everett winks at me in a friendly manner but I know he is playing it off. We were all desperately worried for him.

“This is Leon. He is also here for the coronation,” I say, watching Leon coldly shake the sea sentinel’s hands.

“I’ll be here too. Couldn’t let him have all the fun.” Kole laughs at his own joke.

Hiliyah rolls her eyes.