Nueena looks at the crown with confusion. “When was the last time you could use your magic?”

“Moments before Jedrick died. I used my magic to melt the armor his kidnappers were wearing so I could escape with him, but he…Nueena, what if my magic is gone forever?” My heart aches at my woeful words.

She pats my arm. “Let us go talk with my parents. They will have more answers. And besides, we need to brief my mother on some significant events, like the arrival of the first mortal in a millennium and Inara’s crown. First, we need to find out how long your pretty mortal can survive here, and how to remove this.” A curious kind of hunger gleams in her golden eyes when she asks in a small voice, “Can you feel it? All the magic stored there.”

“Yes, and it throbs. It feels like it is trapped in me, willing to tear me apart to get free. We need to find out how to get this crown off. If anyone can control it, it’s you! The well of magic trapped inside is extraordinary but it’s suffocating to me.” Another painful realization pierces my chest. “Will my court still consider me a jewelsmith if I can no longer use metal-wielding magic?”

“Of course they will! In no world would Lazalai cast you out of her court. Magic or not, the Gem Court will always be open to you.”

Together, we walk out of the room. Lillian stands between us and Leon. From behind him, we can see the tops of the Black Castle and the forest that keeps Ellova safe. A hint of the Elbasan Sea is visible.

A loud chime fills the room, but Leon is the only one who glances up for the source of the noise. Lillian turns to Nueena. “I am going to meet your parents at the entrance and send guards up to watch him.” Leon pretends not to notice her side eye and flips the page when she leaves.

Nueena returns to her quarters, giving me and Leon a moment alone.

As soon as her door shuts, Leon asks, “You live here? In the royal family’s personal suites?”

“Yes, most of the time. I do enjoy the solitude of my little cottage, though. It’s been in my family for years, and the bustle of the palace can be overwhelming at times.”

“I gather Nueena is a princess?”

“We do not have titles likekingorqueenin Ellova, so the termprincessis not used here, but yes, she is the royal heir.”

“It appears I am missing some key moments. Are you considered royalty here as well?” His eyes are bright as he waits for my response.

“No, no. However, Nyvenah, Ellova’s Realm Keeper, the closest to your version of a queen, welcomed me into their home when I was young, still a dewling. Nueena and I have shared this part of the royal west wing for many years. I wield no power here; I’m noteven a part of her court. I belong to the Gem Court, but I am treated like family.”

Lost for words, he stares at me.

I laugh at his astonished expression. “Please do not bother being impressed. A fair amount of fae here consider me more of a pet than any type of royal.”

Leon asks in a honeyed tone, “Will they see me asyourpet?” He still holds my father’s sword, the end resting on his shoulder.

Before I can answer Leon, the door to the chambers opens and two figures arrive at the same time. Leon swings the sword down, ready for whoever has arrived.

“A MORTAL?” Viella, Guardian of Ellova’s spies, all but yells it as she places her short body in front of Tavien in a protective stance, her fists bursting into blue flames.

Tavien’s massive body towers over her, and he glances down in fond amusement before patting her short blonde head. He chuckles at her. “I think that may be Della’s little mortal friend she is so fond of.”

Viella’s green eyes widen with delight and she practically skips over to us, shaking out the flames with a dramatic flick of her wrist. Her pale skin is untouched, and when the fire is gone, I take a large step to the side and watch Viella hug Leon, much to his polite confusion.

“Welcome to Ellova, Leon! We need to get you into some new clothes. I’m afraid you look rather terrible. Izzy always says how handsome you are; let’s not make a liar out of her.” She takes a step back, freeing him from her surprise embrace, while she assesses the breeches he wears.

“Er, thank you?” He gives her a half smile before looking up at Tavien.

“I’m Tavien, Nueena’s Zemra. I have clothing that might work,” Tavien says, adding, “at least for now. I think a trip to the market is in order.” Tavien shakes hands with Leon before turning to me and pulling me into a quick side hug.

I see Leon stiffen out of the corner of my eye at the contact. Nueena, now dressed in a long purple silk gown, comes to standnext to her love. Tavien holds her for a kiss. Half of her braids are up in an elaborate twist atop her head behind a crown of amethyst. Nueena’s Zemra stone is now nestled in the center of her crown, and it glows the same way Tavien’s does.

Tavien’s loose shirt is the same soft material as her gown and is worn over black breeches. Tavien is taller than most fae men, so even with her heeled boots, Nueena is shorter than he is. She hands Leon a bundle of clean clothes.

“Leon.” He finishes his introduction with “Izadella’s friend.”

“Friend?” Tavien’s smile is catlike. “Is that what we’re calling this now?”

Nueena elbows him in the side but laughs anyway.

I inwardly grimace at my friends’ endearingly annoying insistence on bringing up my persistent feelings for him, but Leon is clearly amused by this and gives me a cocky grin.