“What is Ellova like?” he asks nonchalantly, but I can hear the edge of unease to his tone. It must be terrifying for a mortal not only to learn the fae are real, but to travel to an entirely new realm, future unknown. He has had to leave his entire life behind him and now is someplace new with only me to guide him.
No explanation of my home will do it justice. The beauty of it, the kindness of those who live there, and the magic that flows freely, so all I can say is, “That is something you will need to experience yourself.”
Leon chuckles. “Helpful.”
I can tell him one thing. “Ellova is everything Adreania is not. Wealth is not hoarded like a spiteful dragon. No one in Ellova is without their most basic needs. Everyone is taken care of; no one knows of empty bellies or cruel leaders. Ellova has structures in place to help take care of others, and if they cannot take care of themselves, others will. No one is just looking out for themselves. The needs of the whole come before the wants of the individual.”
“Sounds like a dream.” He looks thoughtful at the vision I have painted for him.
We finally come to another round door and my eyes fill with tears. Home, finally home.
An identical door stands before us and I throw it open. It slams into the side of the wall, but I’m already walking towards the enormous pool of water in the center of the marble and gold room. Giant plants of all shapes, sizes, and colors grow in golden planters along the wall. Gold pillars hold up a glass dome roof, sunbeams streaming through it. One wall is made entirely of stained glass images depicting the six courts, bathing the room in a rainbow of color. The soft chimes of the alarm I have knowingly triggered can be heard from the hall.
Slipping off my dusty and sweat-filled tunic reveals a small undershirt made of a deep yellow lace. “We need to wash away our travels.”
He pulls off his filthy shirt and boots. The fluttery sensation from earlier returns and heat rises within me as I take in his shirtless form. His muscles draw my eyes, and the low vee at his hips makes my heart pound.
I turn away so he cannot see my blush, but I can sense his eyes on my body. I kick my boots off but leave on the leggings, and dive into the pool.
The clear water is cool and welcoming. The magic penetrates me; the tingling of soft healing around me soothes my bruises, the tight muscles relaxing after the agonizing ordeal that has been the past day.
I break the water as the first honeyguards arrive. Leon dives in behind me and swims to my side.
The High Court protectors, honeyguards, surround us and have arrows ready to fire, swords drawn. When they see it’s me, they all lower their weapons. A few give a wave or a shout hello as they stroll back to their post nearby. As they leave, their leader, the commander of the Ellovian armies, enters.
Commander Lillian strides over to me, her determined footsteps echoing off the ornate walls. The long sword that never leaves her side swings gently on her hips over leather pants, shining onyx epaulets reaching to sharp points. Her all-black attire stands out among the lush green of the plants surrounding us and adds to her vaguely threatening appearance. She has no color to her pale cheeks, as she would not have needed to rush here like her guards.
She’s tall and slim with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her beautiful sharp features make her striking to look at; her nose has a slight roundness to the tip below high cheekbones, her dark lips in a frown.
“I would ask you to use the main entrance or announce your arrival beforehand. I do not need the wards going off in the middle of my lunch.” There’s not much bite to her voice, though, more of a vague annoyance.
“Hello to you too,” I tease.
“This him?” she asks with a sharp nod to Leon, but doesn’t actually look at him. He looks quickly at me with a smug smile spreading on his face before dunking under the water.
“Maybe,” I say and float on my back, bobbing on the surface. I hear Nueena before I see her, the vibrations of her heels as she enters the room echoing through the stone and into the water. She kicks off her shoes and sits at the edge of the pool, her legs dipping into the water as I swim over to her. Her hair is in hundreds of little braids with rubies and scarlet beads woven through. The gown she wears is not the soft purple of her own court but instead the deep red of the Court of Swords. She must have been meeting with them at the Larissian Fortress today about her coronation.
“Della, is thatyourblood?” She gapes at the soft pink rivulets of water that trail down my skin. Nueena waves her hand and the remnants of the gore are gone. “What happened?” She searches my face before skimming over my body for any visible injuries. “Is everything all right?”
“Nu, something has happened.” My words are soft. I raced here to tell her, but now that I’m standing in front of her, the words won’t form. Where do I even start?
“She brought a pet,” Lillian adds unhelpfully, looking down at Leon swimming low in the pool towards me.
Nueena peers around the floor of the room. “You brought Farren? He hates the—” The words die on her lips when Leon returns to the surface. He pushes his wet hair back with both hands and looks between us and then to the shining crown on her head, and he bows deeply, his nose nearly touching the water.
The ancient crown upon her braids is made of mangled metal scraps left over from the swords forged to protect the realm of Ellova during the war with the mortals, a crown that once belonged to Zarella. From afar the pieces seem randomly placed, but up close there are intricate designs. It comes to a point above her forehead, polished so brightly my reflection is mirrored back at me.
She grabs my arm and squeezes it with excitement. “Is that—?” Her head swings between the two of us in quick succession. Thedelight on her face bleeds into concern. “Del…I…I trust you have a reason for bringing him here, but I don’t think that was a good idea. You know mortals are forbidden.” She looks between us.
I turn to her, grasping her hand, which she squeezes back. “I need to talk to you,” I whisper. “Lillian can stay, but send your honeyguards away.”
Nueena nods and turns to Lillian. “We will no longer be needing guards.”
Two fae women and one male leave us without a second glance.
“Please close the doors and wait outside,” Nueena adds as they exit.
The male nods and gently closes the wide doors.